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Mint is a plant in the family "yasnotkovy, " which has the strongest aroma and contains a lot of substance called menthol. This fragrant herb is used in the pharmaceutical and food industries, in the production of alcoholic beverages, in perfumes and confectionery. Being an incredibly fragrant seasoning, it has found its application in the field of cooking, where it is added not only fresh, but also dried. The gorgeous cool properties of mint are essential on sultry summer days, when drinks using the leaflets of this plant will give you a sense of unforgettable freshness.

In Western Europe (England, France and Germany), mint is widely used as a seasoning during the preparation of vegetables, to improve the taste and aroma of various marinades and sauces, not forgetting to add to spicy mixtures. When decorating a cake or dessert, use mint leaves that will give your sweet dish not only a fresh aroma, but also aesthetic value. By the way, the legendary "Mojito, " having become one of the most popular cocktails, owes its fame to this particular plant, since mint is an indispensable ingredient in its composition. Even the famous Russian gingerbread does not do without this refreshing spice. The calorie content of mint is 70 kcal per 100 grams of aromatic plant.

Mint benefits

The benefits of mint lie in its richest composition. For example, the content of essential oil (the main component of which is menthol) reaches two and a half percent. This plant can "boast" of other useful substances such as pinene, esters, mentofuran, piperitone, tannins, yasmon and flavonoids. In mint, almost all vitamins, macro and trace elements necessary for the normal life of the body are present in sufficient quantities, so it is quite obvious that the use of this medicinal plant has a positive effect on the general human condition.

Infusion based on mint is taken in the presence of vision problems, to reduce temperature, as a sedative, in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and even as an aphrodisiac. The benefits of mint have been proven in the treatment of burns and headache, in insect bites and as a mild painkiller for joint pain.

The harms of mint

Fragrant tea brewed from mint leaves is recommended to be drunk by almost everyone, with the exception of young children, who should be given this drink in a less concentrated form, due to the high content of essential oils. Speaking about the dangers of mint, one cannot fail to mention that the oil of this plant is contraindicated in people suffering from chronic heartburn, since menthol in its composition can increase the acidity of gastric juice.

70 kCal mint

Energy value of mint (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Squirrels: 3.75 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 0.94 g (~ 8 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 6.89 g (~ 28 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 21% | 12% | 39%