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Corn salad

Corn salad...

What varieties and types of lettuce have not bred modern breeders: braid, iceberg, chicory, radiccio, rocket, mitsuna, lollo rosso, frieze and many, many others. Moreover, each of the varieties of this green meets certain requirements: one type of salad is specially created for long-term transportation and storage, the other is distinguished by its bright color, the third is striking for its unusual appearance.

Among all this juicy greens, mash salad is not the last place, which is characterized by small leaflets of dark green color, collected in a neat "rose. " By the way, this juicy green is also known under another, no less common name - corn. Delicate leaves of mash salad are characterized by the same delicate aroma and sweet taste with thin nutty notes. There is also a slightly spicy motif in it, which is revealed not immediately, but during the eating process.

The best dressing for mash salad is considered exclusively olive oil, which helps the taste of the salad to express itself more clearly. In addition, the taste of this green will not suffer at all if combined with other types of green lettuce or any products. Chicory salad is considered a great pair for mash salad. A great pairing comes in company with crispy toasted bacon slices, cool, citrus, onions and especially nuts. For some countries, it is typical to serve mash salad with lingonberry sauce.

In addition to pronounced gastronomic qualities, this product can "boast" of a lot of useful properties. Mash salad is rich in a huge amount of vitamins, minerals and flavonoids, which, in turn, contribute to the strengthening of capillaries and improve the absorption of vitamin C. It has been established that the use of one hundred grams of this product covers half of the daily human body's need for vitamin V9, which is responsible for regulating metabolic processes and contributes to the speedy regeneration of cells.

Even ancient people attributed mash salad to natural aphrodisiacs, since its regular consumption in food had a beneficial effect on both men and representatives of the stronger sex. In addition, this product is also appreciated for its ability to strengthen the nervous system, normalize metabolism, increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, reduce salt deposition, and also help with diabetes and obesity.

However, in order for all the useful properties of mash salad, along with its excellent taste qualities, to be fully disclosed, do not forget that this is a rather perishable product and you need to consume it exclusively in the freshest form. So, after three days from the moment of removal of this salad from the soil and during its storage in a cool place, most of the valuable substances are lost.

masha salad 23 kKal

Energy value of mash salad (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g (~ 14 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 19% | 0% | 61%