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Rose petals

Rose petals...

The rose has long been called the "queen" of flowers, this beautiful plant is considered the ideal of beauty and the perfect creation of nature. Interestingly, the rose is not only the name of flowers from the genus Rosehip. Rose is also a female name, as well as the name of the city and a type of climate diagram called "Wind Rose. " In the 15th century, the internecine struggle of the two English dynasties of Lancaster and Plantagenet was poetically called the war of Scarlet and White Rose. In Finland, the highest state award is called the Order of the White Rose.

Roses in architecture are called round Gothic buildings. In mathematics, a flat curve resembling a flower was called a rose. You can talk about roses in art just endlessly. In botany, a rose means the collective name of some species of plants that humans cultivate. Only a small part of all rose varieties belong to the forms of wild plants. In most cases, new varieties of roses were selected by man in the process of repeated and re-crossing of various varieties of the plant. Roses began to grow in ancient Rome.

Since then, rose petals, as well as rose water, have been used in cooking. In addition, rose petals and plant essential oil were drugs. The first beauties of Antiquity daily took beauty baths with rose petals. The useful properties of rose petals have been used by people since ancient times. And nowadays, the distinctive properties of rose petals are actively used both in cooking and cosmetology. In the modern culinary tradition, there are a sufficient number of culinary recipes in which rose petals are involved.

Perhaps among the most common and popular are rose petal jam. as well as rosé, cruchon or rose petal compote. In addition, rose petals are widely used in confectionery. It is noteworthy that both pink petals of cultivated and wild plants are used in food. Rose petals are especially respected and respected in the culinary tradition of states located in the Middle East, as well as in the Asian region. Easterners collect rose petals for making national treats at dawn.

The benefits of rose petals

To preserve the freshness and unique benefits of rose petals, fragile natural material is processed at the collection site. If you do not hurry, the delicious aroma of flowers will disappear. The benefits of rose petals lie in the chemical composition of the plant. Often, rose petals are part of tea or healing herbal collections. Rose petals are thought to help maintain the beauty and youth of the skin. Extracts and essential oils obtained from rose petals are considered one of the most valuable components of many cosmetics.

rose petals 0.1 kCal

Energy value of rose petals (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%