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A magnificent plant called fuchsia is native to Central and South American countries, where this evergreen shrub still grows in natural conditions today. The fuchsia is distinguished by reddish twigs and very small oval leaflets. However, fkusia attracts attention precisely because of its unusually beautiful flowers, which hang on thin pedicels like Chinese lanterns.

Flowers in fuchsia can be both simple and terry, while their color is also diverse: red, purple, pink, white or even two-color flashlights. Fuchsia grow as ampelian plants and as stem trees. A distinctive feature of fuchsia is that if you choose the right collection of plants, with their bright colorful flowers they will delight your garden from early spring to autumn. Fuchsia reproduces with seeds, while it begins to bloom after sowing five months later.

The most important healing property of fuchsia is its extraordinary beauty. With only one look at the diversity and splendor of the shapes and flowers of this amazing plant, the person's face is illuminated by an elusive smile and the mood begins to rise, which, as you know, is the constant guarantee of health.

In addition, it is believed that the magical properties of fuchsia are enclosed in the ability of a given plant to cleanse the atmosphere of the energy of words and thoughts. There is an opinion that for people who react painfully to any kind of change and do not like to change anything in their lives even for the better, it is simply necessary to plant a beautiful fuchsia in their home.

Bright fresh fuchsia flowers are often used in cooking, where they, being edible flowers, can act as a decorative decoration for various confectionery products. Cakes, cakes, fruit desserts and salads are simply transformed if they include unusually beautiful fuchsia flowers.

In addition, few people know that this beautiful plant also gives us sweet berries, which can also be used in cooking. So, for example, from fuchsia fruits, some craftsmen cook unusual at first glance jam or make mouth-watering desserts.

By the way, due to the fact that the shape of the fruits is completely different for different varieties of fuchsia, you might think that this is a miniature cherry tree. True, if you decide to experiment and cook something of their fuchsia fruits, remember that when processing plants with pesticides, eating berries is extremely dangerous for health.

fuchsia 0 kCal

Energy value of fuchsia (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)