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Donnik medicinal

Donnik medicinal...

Donnik medicinal belongs to the legume family, and in its two-year life cycle the plant can grow up to a meter in height. The branched root system of the medicinal bottom has the appearance of a rod, it has ascending stems, above - angular and rounded below.

The leaves of the plant have a tripartite structure, and in shape they are saw-serrated and obovate. Irregularly shaped flowers of the medicinal donut on short pedicels are distinguished by a nondescript yellow color. The fruit of this plant is a bare transversely wrinkled bob, which consists of 1-2 lobes. Flowering of the medicinal donor occurs in the summer, from June to August.

Both for culinary and medicinal purposes, the leaves and tops of the medicinal bottom are mainly used. It is customary to harvest raw materials during the flowering period of the plant, and drying fresh greens is recommended in the shade.

Due to the presence of a pleasant smell and strong aromatic properties, medicinal donor is considered a spice and can be successfully taken up when preparing a number of dishes. Most of all, in dried form, this seasoning is added to soups, fish dishes, salads. In addition, medicinal donor is excellent for canning, cooking compotes, cheeses, as well as when salting tomatoes and cucumbers.

Composition of Medicinal Donor

The drug donor contains elements such as glycosides, which, when broken down, form coumarin - a colorless substance that has the smell of fresh hay. In addition, there are melilotol, cimarine, melylote and coumaric acids, tannins and fat-like substances, purine and choline derivatives in this plant. Also, essential oils, flavonoids, ascorbic acid, carotene, tocopherol, protein, mucus and sugars were found in the drug donor.

Benefits of medicinal donor

The benefits of a medicinal donor for the human body are due to the presence in this plant of anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, antioxidant, antihypertensive, anticoagulant, soothing, sweating, softening, wind-driven, anticonvulsant and wound-healing properties.

In many countries, for different purposes, medicinal donor is used in medicine. For example, in Bulgaria, its fibrinolytic or anticoagulant effects in hypertension, cystitis, bronchitis and migraines are highly appreciated. Polish healers recommend using the drug donor for insomnia, heart pain and neurasthenia in the form of an infusion, and for hemorrhoids use externally. The benefits of medicinal donut are known in Australia and Germany, where it is advised in case of gastrointestinal diseases, and as an effective remedy for gout - in France.

Damage of medicinal donor

Damage to the medicinal donor can be observed in the case of renal diseases and in pregnancy. In large doses, this plant raw material has an oppressive effect on the CNS, and also affects the musculature of the intestines. With prolonged and uncontrolled use of the drug donor, such consequences as drowsiness, headaches, nausea and dizziness are possible.

drug donor 0 kCal

The energy value of the medicinal donor (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)