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Bodyak garden

Bodyak garden...

Bodyak garden or otherwise vegetable bodyak (Cirsium oleraceum) is a species of herbaceous perennial plant from the genus Bodyak, belonging to the Astrovy family. It is distributed in various climatic areas of Europe and Asia. In our country, a garden bodyak can be found in the south of Western Siberia and in many areas of the European part. As a rule, this plant lives on cloudy and moist soils rich in nitrogenous compounds, as well as along river banks, in moist peat meadows and around springs.

It is noteworthy that on many species of bodyak parasitize infectious pale-flowered. In addition, this plant often forms hybrids with other representatives of the genus Bodyak, most often with bog bodyak.

According to the biological description, the garden bodyak is a plant, the height of which can be from 50 to 200 centimeters with an oblique or horizontal creeping, thickened, knotted rhizome. Usually its stem is ascending, while it is branched from the middle.

The next leaves of the garden bodyak are painted pale green on top, and they are a bluish shade below. At the same time, basal leaves are ovate and elliptical, and the upper ones are sessile and lance-shaped.

The flowering time of the garden bodyak falls on the period from June to October, when basket flowers of pale yellow or yellowish green color are formed on the plant, sometimes with a pinkish tint. As it matures, the fruits of the garden bodyak are formed - yellowish-gray achenes with greased faces.

This plant is often used by a person in different areas of his life. For example, in gastronomy, young stems and leaves of garden bodyak are valued, which are used in the preparation of some dishes. In particular, they are added to various salads, soups or mash. In addition, the garden bodyak is considered a good honeycomb, which is able to give bees a lot of nectar.

The garden bodyak is also used in alternative medicine, where its use is due to the analgesic, bactericidal, hemostatic, wound healing, sweatshirt and anti-inflammatory actions of the plant. For medicinal purposes, it is customary to use grass and inflorescences of garden bodyak collected during flowering, as well as roots that are harvested in the fall.

In intestinal, hepatic and renal colic, it is recommended to take an oral decoction of garden bodyak, which also contributes to the elimination of fluid from the body with edema. This natural remedy also helps in the case of headaches and vascular diseases, bleeding and even cancer. At the same time, the decoction from the inflorescences of the garden bodyak has proven itself well in the therapy of neuroses.

bodyak garden 396 kKal

Energy value of garden bodyak (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 24 g (~ 96 kCal)
Fats: 10g (~ 90kCal)
Carbohydrates: 52.5g (~ 210 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 24% | 23% | 53%