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Partridge eggs

Partridge eggs...

For lovers of feathered game, not only meat, but also partridge eggs are considered one of the delicacies. As you know, today it has become less problematic to get this bird, since it has become possible to breed it in artificial conditions. Thus, partridge eggs, which are valuable for human health, are also obtained, which are distinguished by excellent taste and useful properties.

In Russia, these small spotted eggs for a long time belonged to the category of delicacies and most often it was quite problematic to acquire them. However, over the past few years, partridge eggs have become in demand due to the unique chemical composition and benefits of partridge eggs. Partridges differ from chicken eggs in a spotted color and less weight (no more than 20 grams), as well as rather fragile and thin shells.

In the natural environment, partridges usually arrange their nests in grass thickets, under bushes, in rock crevices and between bumps, lining the tray with grass and feathers. On average, there are from 9 to 15 partridge eggs in one clutch, but often their number reaches 2

5. Externally, partridge eggs can be painted olive, ochre, clay, and also covered with small specks.

In cooking, partridge eggs can be used similarly to chicken eggs, however, it should be borne in mind that in weight and volume about three eggs of this small bird correspond to one chicken egg. Recipes for cooking dishes using this product can also be replayed, taking chicken egg meals as a basis.

So, partridge eggs can be prepared not only fried eggs or omelette, but also used in the preparation of homemade mayonnaise, various salads and snacks, as well as pastries and other delicious dishes. The nutritional properties and benefits of partridge eggs are manifested in almost any form, thanks to which they can be eaten boiled, baked, fried and even pickled.

Benefits of partridge eggs

The benefits of partridge eggs are not only due to their dietary value. So, they also act as a natural vitamin complex, which is distinguished by truly unique properties. By the way, in terms of the content of some vitamins, as well as iron, phosphorus and potassium, partridge eggs can exceed chicken eggs more than once.

Speaking of the benefits of partridge eggs, it should be noted that they should be eaten after heat treatment. This is due to the fact that their wild birds partridges, along with other species, are susceptible to salmonellosis, and therefore eating their raw eggs is not recommended even after careful washing.

partridge eggs 168 kCal

Energy value of partridge eggs (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 11.9 g (~ 48 kCal)
Fats: 13.1 g. (~ 118 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 70% | 1%