
In fact, varenets and mummers are practically the same fermented milk product made on the basis of melted milk. However, there is still a difference: if lactic acid sourdough in the form of sour cream is used to make fermented milk, then cream is additionally needed for varenets.
From time immemorial, Varenets, which is a traditional Slavic product, was made exclusively in the oven. So, the freshest milk was poured into the earthenware and put into the oven. Moreover, milk in no case should have boiled - only languish and evaporate moisture. Melted milk became thick when up to a third of the liquid was left. It was at that moment that a starter was added to the milk cooled to body temperature and the product fermented in a warm place for several more hours.
The unique taste and useful properties of varenz - the Russian traditional drink - are due precisely to the process of its manufacture: very long and slow heating in the oven, the heat of which gradually decreases over several hours. The modern version of industrial varenta is undoubtedly inferior in its qualities to an old product, but also has an incomparable aroma and taste.
Varenets, like mummer, is usually consumed similarly to kefir - warming the drink to room temperature, in small sips. As for homemade varenta based on whole country milk, it can be much thicker than a store, so such a product is best eaten with a spoon. With jam, black bread and honey and fragrant fresh pastries are just perfect. In addition, varenets are an excellent basis for preparing numerous dishes. The calorie content of the varenta is about 53 kcal per 100 grams of fermented milk drink.
The benefits of varentza
The benefit of varentz is that this fermented milk product is perfectly absorbed by the human body. In addition, it contributes to the normalization of intestinal microflora, prevents the proliferation of putrid bacteria and increases immunity. The varenta contains an increased amount of calcium and phosphorus, which are so necessary for the normal formation of bone tissue.
It has been proven that the benefits of varenta are due to the considerable content of easily digestible protein, which is digested much faster and easier than this substance in the same fresh milk. That is why regular consumption of varenta favorably affects the general condition of a person, improves appetite, the functioning of the kidneys and digestive system.
Varentza harm
Unfortunately, this healing drink also has its own few contraindications. In particular, in order to avoid harm to varenta, which can manifest itself in the occurrence of itchy skin, rash and asthma attacks, it is not recommended to use this product to allergy sufferers.
In addition, if after a glass of varenta your stomach often bulges, it bursts and relief occurs, which means that the reason for this is milk intolerance in the deficiency of the lactase enzyme, which is responsible for digesting milk sugar - lactose. In this case, it is also worth excluding varenets from your diet or at least limiting its consumption.
varenza 53 kKal
The energy value of varenta (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 2.9 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 2.5 g (~ 23 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.1 g (~ 16 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 22% | 42% | 31%