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Hard cheese

Hard cheese...

Thanks to its distinctive taste as well as consumer properties, hard cheese was able to win the title of the most popular type of cheese on the earth. It is worth noting that this statement is simply 100% true, since hard cheeses really amaze with a variety of tastes and aromas.

Foodies believe that the best solid varieties of cheeses are produced in the Mediterranean region. Historically, varieties produced in Italy as well as Spain are recognized as the best among hard cheeses. However, Dutch, Swiss, and in addition, English varieties of hard cheeses are also considered a product of the highest quality.

Types of hard cheese

Since mankind's acquaintance with such a product as cheese happened many millennia ago is not at all surprising that a huge number of recipes for preparing the product, including hard cheeses, have accumulated in modern cheese making. All types of hard cheeses are classified depending on several main indicators.

According to the production method, such types of hard cheeses as rennet and fermented milk are isolated. Depending on the production technology, there are:

Swiss hard cheeses are characterized by a sweet and slightly spicy taste;

Dutch hard cheeses stand out in cheesy flavors with acid;

Cheddar hard cheeses belong to varieties that differ in increased levels of lactic acid fermentation;

hard cheeses with mold;

textured hard cheeses are best suited for long periods of product storage.

Composition of hard cheeses

The composition of hard cheeses depends primarily on the variety, as well as the method of making the product. However, as a rule, solid cheeses, however, as well as other types of the oldest food product, will carry such basic ingredients as milk, sourdough, as well as rennet. Hard cheeses can be produced from different types of milk.

The calorie content of solid cheeses depends on the composition of the product, as well as the useful properties and composition of the product. It is worth noting that the average caloric content of hard cheeses is about 35

5. 6 Kcal, which falls per 100 grams of product. The useful properties of solid cheeses are primarily due to the vitamin-mineral composition of the product.

Benefits of hard cheeses

The benefit of solid cheeses lies in the content in the chemical composition of the product of a sufficient amount of useful compounds of natural origin. For example, the uniqueness of the benefits of hard cheeses is due to the high content of vitamins of group A in the product, as well as V9 and PP. In addition, the chemical composition of solid cheese varieties is enriched with such certainly useful compounds for the human body as sodium, phosphorus, potassium and calcium.

Hard cheese varieties are recommended for consumption by hypertensive patients, since the product is able to normalize the level of pressure. In addition, hard cheeses have a general positive effect on the entire body as a whole.

Harms of hard cheese

However, with all the beneficial properties of the product, harm from solid varieties of cheese can occur. True, it is worth noting that the harm of hard cheeses is manifested only in the case of uncontrolled consumption of the product in unlimited quantities.

hard cheese 355.6 kCal

Energy value of hard cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 26 g (~ 104 kCal)
Fats: 26.5 g (~ 239 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g (~ 14 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 29% | 67% | 4%