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Yaroslavl cheese

Yaroslavl cheese...

We think not many people know that the production of cheese humanity has become much earlier than baking bread. Say, how is this possible? Ancient people obtained food for themselves by collecting, hunting and breeding pets. The milk of cows, goats and sheep has been used by humans since time immemorial.

Which is natural, milk was not always fresh. Dried milk was valued as much as fresh milk, so the first cheese products began to be made from it. Ancient thinkers, as well as ancient eastern chronicles, mentioned the cheese production process. Moreover, it is truly unknown which country or region residents were the first to receive the rennin rennet enzyme from the animal's pre-purified stomach.

The discovery of this magical enzyme allowed the ancient cheesemaking to take a huge step forward, since earlier people used only the natural process of milk fermentation, on the basis of which the first types of cheeses were produced. Rennin allowed people to make modern cheeses, which were better stored and had excellent taste.

The Greeks and Romans became the first cheesemakers in history. Later, cheesemaking began to flourish throughout European territory and penetrated Russian lands. German, Dutch and Swiss cheeses were the first to take root in the Russian Empire. On the basis of which local cheesemakers began to invent their own recipes. Cheese making on an industrial scale began to develop in Russia at the turn of the 18th and 19th centuries, when the first cheese factories were opened in some provinces.

Among the firstborn of the Russian cheese school was Yaroslavl cheese, which began to be produced in the city of Uglich. Yaroslavl cheese refers to hard varieties of cheeses. It has a distinctive cylindrical shape. Standard dimensions of Yaroslavl cheese: the mass of the cheese head is from 2 to 3 kg, long to 35 cm, and the diameter does not exceed 10 cm.

Yaroslavl cheese is even larger, the weight of such a product reaches 10 kg. The cylindrical shape of Yaroslavl cheese is very convenient to use and store, such cheese is perfectly cut. Yaroslavl cheese has a distinctive pronounced cheese taste with unobtrusive sour-spicy notes.

The cheese body of the product is elastic, but quite elastic. When cutting Yaroslavl cheese, round cheese eyes are clearly visible. Yaroslavl cheese can be without cheese eyes, which indicates a more delicate consistency of the cheese product. The calorie content of Yaroslavl cheese is 350 Kcal in 100 grams, which is primarily due to the mass share of fat in the product.

Salt in Yaroslavl cheese is also not small (about

2. 5%). However, this product is suitable for dietary and healthy eating, even despite its considerable calorie content. Yaroslavl cheese contains natural protein, which is absorbed by the human body by almost 97% and does not add extra pounds. True, in the use of any products, including cheese, you need to know the measure.

Yaroslavl cheese 350 kKal

Energy value of Yaroslavl cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 26.2 g (~ 105 kCal)
Fats: 26.6 g (~ 239 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 30% | 68% | 0%