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Uglich cheese

Uglich cheese...

In the Yaroslavl region of the Russian Federation is the city of Uglich. The history of the city, which stands on the Volga River, dates back more than a century. Uglich is called one of the oldest cities in Russia. An interesting fact, the city got its name due to the fact that the Volga River in this place makes a turn or corner.

The city of Uglich belongs to the so-called "Golden Ring" of Russia. Every year the city is visited by more than 320 thousand tourists from far and near abroad, as well as from all corners of vast Russia. The main attractions of the city of Uglich include the old Kremlin, Dmitry's Church on Blood, the Epiphany Monastery, the Cathedral of the Epiphany, Trading Square of the 17th century, as well as the Winter Palace.

The city is famous for its museums, as well as festivals and fairs. For example, in August you can visit the Uglich Harvest Fair, where you can taste not only agricultural products, but also excellent Uglich cheeses.

Among the variety of cheese products that are produced in Uglich, I would like to pay special attention to the first variety of cheese, from which the glorious tradition of Uglich cheese making began. Uglich cheese was developed by Soviet cheesemakers on the basis of the Research Institute, which is located in the city of Uglich, hence the name of the cheese.

Uglich cheese is distinguished by its delicate consistency and has a distinctive sour-spicy cheese taste and a bright aroma. Uglich cheese cuts well, and on a cheese slice you can see cheese eyes of angular or compressed shape. Cheesemakers were able to achieve a reduction in the ripening time of Uglich cheese. Such cheese is ready for consumption and goes on sale 2 months after manufacture.

Uglich cheese belongs to hard cheeses, its calorie content is 347 Kcal per 100 grams of product, this is a fairly high figure. However, it is worth noting that the high calorie content of Uglich cheese is not an obstacle for those who are on a diet or try to eat balanced. The fact is that Uglich cheese, like most other cheeses, contains a lot of natural protein and fats, which are perfectly absorbed and do not add kilograms.

You just need to know the measure and use Uglich cheese in reasonable quantities. Hard Uglich cheese became so popular that cheesemakers began to make the same name melted cheese on its basis. Remarkably, the melted Uglich cheese consists of several hard cheeses that are produced by local cheesemakers.

Uglich, Dutch and Yaroslavl cheese is mixed and butter is added as a binding fat component, which gives the cheese a "melted" consistency. Melted Uglich cheese differs in both cheese taste and smell from its hard counterpart. Also, melted Uglich cheese is considered more calorific, because it contains a larger percentage of fat.

Uglich cheese 347 kKal

Energy value of Uglich cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 25.8 g (~ 103 kCal)
Fats: 26.3 g (~ 237 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 30% | 68% | 0%