Limburger cheese

Limburger cheese or Limburger refers to the world-famous galaxy of high-quality German soft cheese varieties. This kind of cheese is made from cow's milk. Limburger cheese stands out for its sharp and even somewhat intense unpleasant smell, and also for its pronounced cheese taste. Foodies note that the "odorous" cheese Limburger stands out for its strong male smell.
Although the recipe for limburger cheese was not invented by German cheesemakers at all, the product was so loved by the inhabitants of Germany that it became an integral part of both the culinary and cheese-making traditions of the country. In fact, the country such as Belgium is considered the historical birthplace of Limburger cheese. For the first time, the cheese was made by monks living in the Belgian province of Limburg, which gave the name to the new cheese variety.
However, currently Limburger cheese from the Belgian heritage has become the favorite cheese varieties in Germany, Austria, as well as in the Netherlands and other European countries. It is interesting that the famous variety of cheese "lit up" in the work of the greatest Russian classic A. S. Pushkin. Genius mentions cheese in his imperishable work "Eugene Onegin, " as "Limburg cheese alive. "
It is worth noting that not everyone will taste the unique smell of Limburger cheese. Professional cheesemakers call Limburger cheese with a dent. Limburger cheese acquires unique taste and aroma characteristics during the production process. For the production of Limburger cheese, pre-pasteurized cow's milk is used in which yeast cultures called Bakteriums Brevibacterium linens are introduced.
Interestingly, bacteria of this species also live on the human body. It can be said that bacteria of the brevibacterium linens species are responsible for the smell of human skin. During aging, Limburger cheese is often inverted and washed with a special brine that contains bacterial sourdough. It is thanks to the peculiarities of the production process that Limburger cheese gets its original taste and aroma.
According to the classification adopted in the cheese industry, Limburger cheese refers to varieties with the so-called washed crust. Limburger cheese is formed in the form of a rectangular bar, which has a yellow-brown crust. The taste of Limburger cheese is brackish with sharp and spicy notes at the same time.
Limburger cheese matures within three months. this type of soft cheese is usually served as a snack with freshly baked black bread and spring onions. In addition, Limburger cheese is perfect with beer, apple cider or strong and dry red wine.
cheese limburger 327 kCal
Energy value of cheese limburger (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 20.05 (~ 80 kCal)
Fats: 27.25 g. (~ 245 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.49 g (~ 2 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 25% | 75% | 1%