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Gouda cheese

Gouda cheese...

The Netherlands is rightfully considered a nation of noble cheese makers. Since ancient times, the Dutch have mastered the skill of making first-class varieties of cheese. Gouda cheese is a vivid confirmation of this. This hard cow's milk cheese has long won global acclaim, and not just among foodies and true connoisseurs. Many European and American consumers favor gouda cheese. You can also find gouda cheese on the shelves of domestic stores, although the price of such a product will be quite high.

However, it cannot be said that the cost of gouda cheese is unreasonably overestimated. It's all about product quality. As soon as you taste gouda cheese, it becomes clear what foodies from all over the world pay money for. The soft and creamy taste of gouda cheese, pieces of which simply "melt in the mouth" can conquer even the most sophisticated connoisseur. For the first time, hard gouda cheese appeared at a local cheese market in the Dutch town of Gouda.

The cheese was named after the city and after a while spread throughout Holland. Since the 19th century, many Dutch cheesemakers have been producing gouda cheese. Moreover, gouda cheese was produced only by large cheese heads of 12 kg each. There are several varieties of gouda cheese that differ in the maturity of the product. The most expensive type of gouda cheese is considered the "Dutch Master. " Such a product matures throughout the year.

Composition of gouda cheese

Currently, gouda cheese is formed into small-weight cheese heads (

4. 5 kg). Gouda cheese refers to high-calorie foods. This is primarily due to the specific gravity of fats in the composition of gouda cheese. However, with a high fat content, natural proteins are present in the composition of gouda cheese, which are easily absorbed by the body and help to digest fatty compounds into the body.

The calorie content of gouda cheese is 356 Kcal in 100 grams of product, agree a fairly high level. However, gouda cheese saturates perfectly, so the product is eaten in small quantities. Even with a sufficiently high calorie level, gouda cheese will not be able to harm the figure if you consume the product in a moderate amount. Gouda cheese is often served as an appetizer or dessert, and is also added to salads and first courses.

The chemical composition of gouda cheese is characterized by a high content of vitamins of groups A, B, E, K and D, as well as useful natural compounds of potassium, magnesium, choline, calcium, selenium and iron. Regular consumption of gouda cheese in moderate amounts helps to improve digestion, vision, and also helps to quickly restore strength.

However, gouda cheese has contraindications. Mature gouda cheese is distinguished by its savoury taste, the composition of the product can negatively affect people who suffer from kidney disease, hypertension and ulcers. Nutritionists advise overweight people to give preference to low-fat or low-fat varieties of gouda cheese.

Gauda cheese 356 kCal

Energy value of gouda cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 24.94 g (~ 100 kCal)
Fats: 27.44 g. (~ 247 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2.22g (~ 9kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 69% | 2%