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Burata cheese

Burata cheese...

In fact, the famous Italian cheese Burata is called Burrata or Burrata and is ranked among the most famous delicacies among Italian fresh cheeses. However, translated into Russian, the name of the cheese has undergone some changes and domestic foodies know this variety of cheese made from buffalo milk and cow's milk as Burat.

In Italy, Burata cheese belongs to a group of, so-called, fibrous cheeses or pasta filata. Italian cheesemakers began producing Burata cheese about a hundred years ago. However, such a small term by the standards of cheese production was enough for Burata cheese to take its rightful place in the galaxy of first-class cheeses of Italian origin.

Burata's fresh brine cheese resembles another equally famous mozzarella cheese with its appearance. However, Burata cheese has an even more delicate consistency and creamy taste. Interestingly, the cream that makes up the filling of burata cheese is a strachatella of cream and mozzarella pieces.

Burata cheese differs not only in its appearance, but also small enough for cheeses. On average, Burata cheese weighs no more than 700 grams. Often for miniature dimensions, cheese is called Burratina. The process of making Burrata cheese is completed with special attention. Burrata cheese is a hybrid or symbiosis of mozzarella cheese and cream.

Cheesemakers still could not figure out how to use pieces of mozzarella that remain in the cheese production process. As a result, the mozzarella pieces were crushed and mixed with cream, and then placed in a bag made from cheese dough and wrapped in banana leaves as a package. It is worth noting that for a fairly long time, the recipe of Burat cheese was carefully protected by cheesemakers in the Andria region.

However, over time, the fame of the amazing taste of the new type of cheese spread throughout Italy, and then throughout Europe. It is noteworthy that Burrata cheese spoils quickly enough, so it is better to eat the product in a freshly prepared form. The cheese is perfect with tomatoes as well as olive oil and ground black pepper.

The surprisingly delicate taste of Burat cheese is often used in Mediterranean recipes. It is worth noting that Buratta cheese is good both as a standalone snack and as a constituent ingredient of culinary products. As a rule, Buratta cheese is used in the process of making salads with fresh herbs, vegetables and olive oil.

Foodies and connoisseurs of the Italian cheese tradition claim that Burata cheese opens its magnificent taste after a while of being at room temperature. Therefore, before serving at the table, it is better to get the Buratta cheese from the refrigerator so that the product can present the fullness of the taste and aroma.

burata cheese 330 kKal

Energy value of burat cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 35g (~ 315 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 95% | 0%