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Rennet cheese

Rennet cheese...

Before starting to describe the types of rennet cheese, it is worth defining the product. In accordance with the terminology used in the food industry, rennet cheeses are understood as a product in the process of which milk is processed in a special way using a rennet enzyme.

In turn, rennet is nothing more than a complex organic compound that is produced by the calf's stomach. Sichuga is so important for cheese making that every gram of product is valued as "worth its weight in gold. " It is worth noting that with the high cost of rennet, you only need a meager amount of compound to make a sufficiently large volume of rennet cheese.

Rennet cheese composition

Fermentation of milk with rennet is a fairly fast process. It is worth emphasizing that although the rennet enzyme is nominally included in rennet cheeses, the compound is not indicated on the packaging of the product. The thing is that the rennet enzyme is involved in the cheese production process, but is not contained in the final product.

In addition to the enzyme, rennet cheese must include milk. Moreover, the type of milk depends on the production technology, as well as the taste preferences of cheeses of a particular region. Often, rennet cheeses contain additional ingredients, such as spices, spices, nuts, raisins or dried fruits.

Types of rennet cheese

The following classification of rennet cheeses is adopted in the food industry:

hard rennet cheeses (Dutch bar cheese, Russian cheese or Swiss cheese);

semi-hard rennet cheeses (Latvian cheese);

soft rennet cheeses (Roquefort, Adyghe cheese);

brine rennet cheeses (brynza);

rennet cheeses with mold;

processed or melted rennet cheeses (Kostroma cheese or sausage smoked cheese).

All the above listed varieties of cheese product are associated with a production technology in which rennet enzyme is involved. It is worth noting that with the development of the food industry, a special clotting enzyme milk can be found on sale, which allows rennet cheeses to be made at home.

There are perhaps three main varieties of rennet for making cheeses at home - directly rennet, as well as the compound obtained synthetically and the plant enzyme meito. To prepare rennet cheese at home, you need to dissolve the enzyme in water, and then pour the resulting mixture into whole milk.

After half an hour, the milk will begin to change and turn into a jelly-like mass, which must be placed in a water bath and heated to 39S. Then you should wait about two hours without removing the milk mass from the water bath.

After the above indicated time, fold the milk mass onto a sieve and leave to cool. At the final stage of making homemade rennet, the milk mass is placed in gauze and suspended for some time for self-pressing.

305 kCal rennet cheese

Energy value of rennet cheese (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 22 g (~ 88 kCal)
Fats: 23.4 g (~ 211 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 29% | 69% | 0%