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Skimmed milk powder

Skimmed milk powder...

Skimmed milk powder is a food in the form of a powder that is commonly obtained in the food industry as a result of drying pasteurized normalized cow's milk. It should be said that such a product is quite convenient and easy to use in everyday life - to obtain a drink, for example, which is practically not inferior to ordinary pasteurized milk, it is enough to simply dilute the powder with drinking water.

Along with skimmed milk powder, two more varieties of this powdered product are actively used in the food industry - whole milk powder and instant milk powder. Their use is mainly aimed at providing nutrition to the population, while skimmed milk powder is most often necessary for the manufacture of confectionery and bakery products, as well as for the nutrition of animals. In addition, this product can be added in the manufacture of meat articles (as a binder).

By the way, milk, which is obtained by diluting the dry concentrate with water, is called reconstituted. Most often (especially in winter), modern industrial manufacturers produce just such a product, so when purchasing milk, it is recommended to carefully study the inscriptions on the packaging.

Composition of skimmed milk powder

The composition of skimmed milk powder includes almost the same vitamin-mineral complex as that of whole milk powder in the only difference that the latter product is characterized by higher fat content. Nevertheless, defatted dry milk contains useful natural compounds - vitamins A, groups B and PP, C, E, D, N. In addition, the composition contains manganese, selenium, iodine, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium and other substances.

Regarding the calorie content of skimmed milk powder, we can say that the nutritional values ​ ​ in this product, despite the low fat content, are at a fairly high level. So, on average, the calorie content of skimmed milk powder per hundred grams is about 362 kcal.

The useful properties of this product are due to the composition of skimmed milk powder, in which there is a mass of natural compounds valuable for the human body. However, first of all, the benefits of this food product are evidenced by the fact that natural and healing cow's milk serves as the starting material for its production. Unlike the latter, the dry semi-finished product does not require boiling, since it has already been subjected to thermal treatment.

Meanwhile, one cannot but say about the likely harm of skimmed milk powder, which is relevant for people with lactose deficiency (poor absorption of dairy products). Not only will there be no benefit from such a product, but the development of the strongest allergic reactions is also real.

dry milk defatted 362 kCal

Energy value of skimmed milk powder (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 36.16 (~ 145 kCal)
Fats: 0.77 g (~ 7 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 51.98 g (~ 208 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 40% | 2% | 57%