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Sour cream

Sour cream...

Almost the most popular fermented milk product, along with kefir and mummer in Russia, is sour cream, which is cream that has been fermented, with a fat content of at least 32%. Why such a name? Everything is simple - cream is drained, and sour cream is swept away - hence the name. Many foreigners still do not know what this means, so they call sour cream Russian cream.

The food and quality properties of sour cream directly depend on the freshness and fat content of this dairy product. Currently, our store range is able to satisfy the tastes of even the most fastidious customers, offering this popular fermented milk product in seven main options:

sour cream 10% fat content,

sour cream 15% fat content,

sour cream 20% fat content,

sour cream 25% fat,

sour cream 30% fat content,

sour cream 36% fat,

sour cream 40% fat content.

Sour cream can be used in any form: as an independent product ready for consumption, or as a necessary ingredient for preparing a variety of dishes. Many lovers of fermented milk products are well aware that sour cream is perfectly combined with cottage cheese, fruits, honey, jam and vegetables. Very often it is added to the first and second courses as a magnificent dressing, which not only has a tender consistency, but also enriches the hot meal with sour cream inherent in sour cream. Chefs and pastry chefs use sour cream as the basis for a variety of sauces, mousses, condiments, gravy, delicious desserts, creams, cakes and other fragrant pastries.

Having baked your favorite dishes in the oven, nutritionists recommend using this particular fermented milk product instead of harmful mayonnaise, if only because the calorie content of sour cream is much lower, and when heated, nothing bad happens to it, unlike a store sauce.

There are so many recipes for preparing dishes with sour cream that it is simply not possible to study them all. Undoubtedly, each hostess has a huge variety of dishes in the culinary notebook, which necessarily include sour cream. With it, you can cook not only such traditional first dishes as cabbage soup or borscht, but also pickle, selyanka and other soups. Cheesecakes, pancakes, pancakes, dumplings, dumplings, cabbage rolls can hardly be imagined without a spoon of the most delicate snow-white sour cream.

By the way, folk medicine claims that the useful properties of sour cream for the body are simply obvious, since this fermented milk product is a natural antidepressant. Therefore, if you beat a cup of fresh sour cream with sugar, you will get not only a satisfying and tasty treat, but also a wonderful remedy for depression and the consequences of stressful situations.

Benefits of sour cream

Almost no one thinks about the benefits of sour cream today, due to the fact that it is simply obvious. It is enough just to get acquainted with the data on its nutritional value, vitamins, macro and microelements. Believe me, sour cream includes almost half of the table of chemical elements important for human health: calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron, fluorine, zinc - not all the useful substances that are contained in this product. In addition, sour cream is rich in full-fledged animal protein, carbohydrates, high-quality pure water, organic and fatty acids, as well as natural sugars.

The benefits of sour cream are also that it has a beneficial effect on the digestion processes, due to the fact that this fermented milk product is absorbed by our body much easier than the cream from which it is produced. Therefore, experts advise people with a weak stomach to regularly eat sour cream, and not cream or milk.

The harm of sour cream

For this snow-white mass, like many dairy products, strict observance of storage conditions is required so as not to face the possible harm of sour cream. Thus, it is unacceptable to find this product for a long time at an unacceptable temperature, because the processes of oxidation of dairy fats and, therefore, the active reproduction of harmful microorganisms can begin.

206 kKal sour cream

Energy value of sour cream (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.5 g (~ 10 kCal)
Fats: 20 g (~ 180 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.4 g (~ 14 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 5% | 87% | 7%