Quail eggs
In Russia, these small spotted eggs were for a long time considered a delicacy and were most often used in baby food. But over the past few years, this product has become in high demand among the adult population, thanks to the numerous healing properties of quail eggs and their unique chemical composition. Quail eggs differ from chicken eggs in spotted color and small weight (no more than 10 grams), as well as very thin and fragile shells.
In cooking, quail eggs are used similarly to chicken eggs, only it should be borne in mind that in terms of volume and weight, 5 quail eggs correspond to 1 chicken. There are no less recipes for preparing dishes using this product than with a chicken egg. Quail eggs can be used to make scrambled eggs, omelette, mayonnaise, various salads and snacks, as well as pastries and other delicious dishes. Thanks to its non-standard size and attractive coloring, they are often used as original additions to hot dishes and salads, decorating not only the everyday, but also the festive table.
The nutritional and beneficial properties of quail eggs appear in any form, so they can be eaten raw, boiled, baked, fried and even pickled. Children who are attracted to the small size of their eggs really like the dishes from this healthy product. By the way, doctors recommend introducing quail eggs into the children's diet, since they are less capable of causing various kinds of allergic manifestations compared to chicken. And thanks to the low calorie content of quail eggs, they are classified as dietary foods, the regular consumption of which in small quantities favorably affects human health.
Benefits of quail eggs
The benefits of quail eggs are not only in their dietary value - they are also a natural vitamin complex that has unique properties. In terms of the content of some vitamins, as well as phosphorus, iron and potassium, quail eggs are several times higher than chicken eggs.
Speaking about the benefits of quail eggs, one cannot help but remember that they can be eaten raw (washed first) without fear of contracting salmonellosis. This is due to the fact that quail has a high body temperature, so their body is resistant to various infectious diseases.
Harm to quail eggs
People suffering from atherosclerosis, as well as increased cholesterol in the blood, should monitor the normal state of their body and try to refrain from eating both chicken and quail eggs, due to the fact that they have cholesterol. Also, the harm of quail eggs can affect those people who have liver problems.
168 kCal quail eggs
Energy value of quail eggs (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 11.9 g (~ 48 kCal)
Fats: 13.1 g. (~ 118 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 70% | 1%