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Tang drink

Tang drink...

Included in the list of fermented milk made on the basis of matsoni, and the drink tan. During the manufacture process, the matzo is diluted with water, and aromatic herbs along with salt are added to the resulting liquid mass. The tang drink differs from ayran in its raw materials: matsonis are made on the basis of buffalo and camel milk, while cow's milk is used to make ayran. Therefore, the healing properties and taste of the tan are incomparably more pronounced.

Often, another method is used to make a tan drink, which consists in the following. Matsoni from camel or buffalo milk is bred not only by spring, but also by mineral water, and the ratio of components is strictly regulated: on the 2 part of the matsoni 1 part of the water. After that, the semi-finished tang drink is seasoned with salt, sugar, honey, aromatic herbs or spices, which are added to taste.

By the way, it is recommended to prepare a tan drink immediately before use, and mix the components in a certain sequence. So, first, aromatic herbs are added to the tang base, then a pinch of salt and, vigorously mixing, chilled water from the spring is poured into a thin stream.

Tang drink is usually consumed to quench thirst in the summer. It helps to improve appetite, perfectly refreshes and maintains the digestive tract in tone - these properties are due to the composition of the tan. The definitely winning option will be to add fresh greens to this drink.

By the way, the use of tan as an independent soft drink is not limited: it often acts as a fermented milk base when preparing summer cold vegetable soups such as okroshka. In addition, dough for tortillas is kneaded on a tan, meat and fish are baked in it, which are perfectly combined with mash soup.

Composition of tan

The composition of the tan almost completely repeats the complex of useful elements that are characteristic of the initial raw materials for the preparation of this drink - mackerel. In addition, as a result of fermentation, salts are formed in it that contribute to the normalization of the water-salt balance in the human body, as well as increase its resistance to the development of urological diseases.

Benefit of tan

The benefits of tana, as well as its healing properties, have been known to humanity since they began to make this wonderful drink. It has been proven that with regular use of tan, muscle activity increases, weight decreases, intestinal microflora is restored and its gradual purification occurs. Substances in the composition of tan do not allow intestinal bacteria to multiply, which provoke putrid processes.

In addition, the benefits of tan as an effective agent in the treatment of pulmonary diseases and bronchitis have been identified. And it also prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the vessels and lowers its level. This drink is a good preventive and therapeutic remedy for cardiovascular ailments, prevents the development of strokes, heart attacks, atherosclerosis, kidney stones, diabetes, gout and hypertension.

drink tan 24 kCal

Energy value of the drink tan (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 1.5 g (~ 14 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1.4 g (~ 6 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 18% | 56% | 23%