Goat's milk
According to ancient legends and myths, the thunderbolt Zeus himself was fed the milk of the divine goat Amalphea. Even in ancient times, the beneficial properties of goat's milk were well known: in ancient Greece and Rome, it was used as a food and medicine. The famous medieval healer Avicenna also spoke favorably of him.
Currently, milk obtained from goats is widely used in many areas of human life. In cooking, numerous types of cheeses, kefir, prostokvash, sour cream, yogurts and other fermented milk products are made from goat's milk. By the way, some Swiss cheeses are made from a mixture of goat and cow's milk.
Goat porridge cooked in milk retains most of the beneficial properties of this product, and they do not differ in taste from ordinary ones. Although cottage cheese made from this type of milk can be distinguished immediately by its characteristic specific smell and taste. But in the composition of, for example, lazy dumplings or cheesecakes, this slightly astringent taste is practically not felt.
If you add only one teaspoon of honey to a glass of goat's milk, then you can not only get a delicious drink, but also significantly increase the beneficial properties of this product. However, it should be noted that the fat content and calorie content of goat milk and its products is high, so people with a sick liver should not get carried away with them.
The benefits of goat's milk
Due to the presence of such important substances as potassium and phosphorus, this milk plays an important role in baby nutrition. In addition, the benefits of goat's milk for anemia, consumption, eye diseases, demineralization of bone tissues, diathesis and heart disease have been scientifically proven.
Experts strongly recommend including goat's milk in the diet of children with allergic reactions to the protein of cow's milk. In addition, with frequent ARVI and acute respiratory infections, it is again possible to reduce the course of the disease with the help of goat's milk.
Patients who have suffered a myocardial infarction must drink up to 2 glasses of fresh goat milk per day. This product is simply irreplaceable with reduced immunity, colds and ear infections, because the undoubted benefits of goat's milk that carry people's health and longevity have been proven for thousands of years.
Harm of goat's milk
The healing properties of this product allow us to assert its exceptional benefits for human health. But as for the contraindications and harm of goat's milk, they are mainly manifested in the danger of contracting severe infectious diseases that the animal carries. In addition, poor-quality milk has an unpleasant specific taste and smell if the owner of the goat does not comply with the sanitary and hygienic requirements before milking.
To avoid unpleasant consequences, goat milk should be purchased exclusively from proven milkmen, as well as in stores or markets with a veterinary control service. But still, before drinking, milk is advised to boil.
goat's milk 66.7 kCal
Energy value of goat's milk (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 4.2 g (~ 38 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4.5 g (~ 18 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 18% | 57% | 27%