There are many such products, the benefits of which everyone knows, for example, vegetables and fruits. However, there are equally wonderful and valuable products that are unfairly forgotten and also considered harmful. Butter just refers to such "unjustly offended" types of food. Although recently rumors about its dangers have subsided significantly, due to the obvious advantages and beneficial properties of butter.
First of all, butter is a really special food product that is obtained by separating or beating cow's cream. Interestingly, to make 1 kilogram of butter, up to 25 liters of natural cow's milk are needed, the color of the final product directly depends on the variety. By the way, butter is characterized by a barely detectable smell, slightly reminiscent of walnut, and a color that can range from white to light yellow. A darkened product should not be used, due to the fact that it can cause poisoning.
Depending on the type of cream that is used to make this product, in Russia butter is usually divided into sweet-butter and sour-butter. And for the mass share of fat there is the following classification: traditional (8
2. 5%), amateur (80. 0%), peasant (7
2. 5%), sandwich (6
1. 0%) and tea (50. 0%). Moreover, the calorie content of butter is quite high and amounts to about 748 kcal per 100 grams of product.
In cooking, the use of butter is very widespread: for example, in its natural form, it is spread on bread or used in meat, fish or vegetable dishes. If mixed in equal proportions with flour, it can be used as a binding ingredient for various sauces. Just a little melted butter in the broth or soup will enrich its taste and aroma. In addition, it is simply impossible to prepare pastries without butter, especially from puff dough, since thanks to its melting consistency, sweet and spicy dishes acquire a special structure.
Benefits of butter
Undoubtedly, butter is very high in calories, however, if consumed in moderation, then these calories can give the body the necessary energy and strength. In addition, the benefit of butter is the content of fats, without which it is impossible to regularly renew cells. It has been scientifically proven that if children lack these substances during a period of rapid growth, then this can provoke a delay in mental development and a decrease in intellectual abilities.
Vitamin A, which is contained in this product, confirms the benefits of butter for people suffering from ulcers of the twelve ring intestine and stomach, due to the fact that it contributes to the speedy healing of wounds. However, it should be remembered that, as with any high-calorie product, butter should be judicious and consumed within reasonable limits.
Harm to butter
The most important argument that is put forward, mentioning the dangers of butter, is the presence of a large amount of cholesterol. But, if you eat no more than 20 grams of this nutritious product per day, then the permissible daily dose of cholesterol will not exceed and extra centimeters at the waist will not be added.
butter 748 kCal
The energy value of butter (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 0.5 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 82.5 g (~ 743 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.8 g (~ 3 kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 99% | 0%