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Chicken egg

Chicken egg...

Fry scrambled eggs and boil an egg in a cool or soft-boiled. . . To date, this has become an integral part of making a modern person's breakfast. Chicken egg refers to food products that are affordable, both in price and availability on store shelves, as well as quick and easy to cook. For a very long time, people appreciate, respect and love this healthy product, and the useful properties of a chicken egg are no longer a secret to anyone.

In general, a chicken egg comes in two categories: dietary and table. By the way, the eggs are marked - D and S. The dietary chicken egg is the first 7 days after the chicken demolished it, and after this period it goes into the category of canteens.

To date, there is practically no area of ​ ​ culinary art where this product is not used, and therefore there are a huge number of recipes for cooking chicken eggs. Not only does this natural product boil in shells and fry in a frying pan, it is also heat-treated in a microwave and electric ovarian, and baked in the oven. Thanks to the versatile properties of a chicken egg, more than one hundred exquisite desserts and sweet dishes can be made from this product. In addition, eggs are used as an important ingredient in the preparation of pastries and salads, soups and sandwiches.

The benefits of chicken egg

In favor of a chicken egg is the fact that this is a natural easily digestible product that is best digested by the body in boiled and fried form. In addition, egg white contains most of the amino acids necessary for humans, and in egg yolk - vitamins and minerals.

The benefits of a chicken egg also lie in its dietary value, in connection with which it is recommended to give it even to children. By the way, thanks to the low calorie content of a chicken egg, which is only 157 kcal per 100 grams, this product is quite useful for people who monitor their health.

Harm to chicken egg

As mentioned above, toasting and boiling are considered the best ways to prepare eggs, but when eating this product raw, there is a possibility of getting salmonellosis.

In some people, the harm of a chicken egg can manifest itself in the form of allergic reactions, to get rid of which, first, you should abandon the egg yolk. If after that the allergy does not go away, then you will have to completely exclude this food from your diet. If you cannot deny yourself the pleasure of eating scrambled eggs for breakfast, you can try replacing chicken with quail eggs, which are considered less allergic.

chicken egg 157 kCal

Energy value of chicken egg (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 12.7 g (~ 51 kCal)
Fats: 11.5 g (~ 104 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 32% | 66% | 2%