Kefir goat
At all times, fermented milk food made from goat's milk was especially popular and in demand. Goat kefir is a product that comes from the natural process of fermentation of goat's milk. In order to speed up the skimming process, a special lactic acid starter or the so-called kefir fungi are added to the milk.
The production process of goat kefir significantly improves the quality of the finished food product. Thanks to the fermentation process, not only all the distinctive properties of goat milk are preserved in goat kefir, but also new compounds that are certainly useful for the human body are added. Due to the large number of proteins of natural origin, goat kefir is easily absorbed by the body.
The product has a visible positive effect on the entire human body as a whole. For this reason, doctors, as well as nutritionists recommend regularly eating goat kefir. like other fermented milk foods, goat kefir helps to establish digestive and metabolic processes. Due to the unique vitamin-mineral composition, goat kefir prevents the emergence and development of some intestinal toxicoinfections.
The chemical composition of goat kefir contains probiotic substances that prevent the colonization of pathogenic microflora in the human intestine. As a result of scientific research, the unique properties of goat kefir have been identified to affect some types of microorganisms that are unsafe for human health.
Goat kefir contains a large number of compounds such as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus and calcium. In addition, goat kefir is enriched with vitamins of group A and B. The product is rich in the content of a highly valuable protein of natural origin, as well as acetic and lactic acids. Goat kefir has refreshing properties.
It is worth emphasizing that the useful properties and quality of goat kefir depend primarily on the method of manufacture and raw materials. The finished fermented milk product should have a characteristic smell and taste. Experts argue that it is best to give preference to goat kefir produced industrially.
This is primarily due to the fact that enterprises have more stringent quality control and sterility of production processes. Doctors warn about the danger of domestic goat kefir, which may contain microorganisms that cause the development of serious diseases.
It is also noteworthy that samples of commercially produced goat kefir are subjected to laboratory analyses. In households that make fermented milk products from goat's milk, they hardly have specialized equipment.
goat kefir 30 kKal
Energy value of goat kefir (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3.4 g (~ 14 kCal)
Fats: 0.5 g (~ 5 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g (~ 14 kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 45% | 15% | 47%