Kefir 3.2% fat content
The birthplace of a snow-white thick drink called kefir is Ossetia, where local residents have kept the secret of making this healing product for a long time. In this regard, Russia first learned about kefir only at the beginning of the twentieth century - then the production of this fermented milk drink was launched at Balandin's dairies.
Kefir is produced by fermentation of pasteurized or sterilized milk of cows with the help of special fungal starter. Like other fermented milk products, kefir has a lot of useful properties, including a high nutritional value.
Currently, there are quite a few varieties of this drink, but it is mainly classified depending on the fat content of the product. So, along with low-fat, kefir
3. 2% fat content is also in high demand. Unlike the first, fatter kefir has a rather thick consistency and delicate taste. This is due to the fact that often fatty cream is added with milk when making such kefir.
Culinary experts have long loved kefir
3. 2% fat content and use it when preparing a wide variety of dishes. It is wonderful to get dough on such kefir, which can be used for all kinds of pies, cookies, tortillas or bread. In addition, pancakes and pancakes cooked on kefir
3. 2% fat are more lush and tender. In summer, cold first courses, such as okroshku or Bulgarian tarator, are quite often made on kefir basis. And finally, in addition to eating directly to quench thirst, you can use fatty kefir as an excellent dressing for fresh salads made of vegetables and herbs.
When buying kefir
3. 2% fat, you need to be careful not to stop your choice on a low-quality or spoiled product. Therefore, if you prefer a fermented milk drink in transparent plastic packaging, take a closer look at it, because the appearance speaks volumes. So, kefir
3. 2% fat should have a uniform thick consistency, white color and not contain lumps. Be sure to shake the drink to make sure there is no cereal. If you suddenly notice that serum is present on the surface of kefir, look for another, since this one has already fermented.
In addition to taste pleasures, kefir
3. 2% fat also gives a lot of benefits for a person. First of all, it is an excellent means for regulating and normalizing the work of the gastrointestinal tract, since numerous microorganisms in its composition are able to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria, thereby saving us from many unpleasant moments. Kefir is also very useful for anemia and low blood, so doctors recommend this drink during pregnancy.
kefira 3.2% fat content 59 kCal
The energy value of kefir is 3.2% fat (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 2.9 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 3.2 g (~ 29 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 49% | 27%