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Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt...

Filtered or Greek yoghurt, yoghurt cheese, dahi or labraneh is a type of yoghurt that is filtered through a paper filter or cloth to remove whey. Due to this, the product acquires an average consistency between cheese and yogurt, while maintaining the characteristic sour taste of the latter.

Greek yogurt is a traditional eastern Mediterranean, Middle Eastern and South Asian dish that is often used in the preparation of other meals, due to its distinctive property of not folding even at high temperatures. However, in modern production, like most yogurts, Greek is increasingly made on the basis of milk, which is enriched by the evaporation of part of the water, or the addition of fat (alternatively, milk powder).

In Western Europe and the United States, Greek yogurt is also popular, as it is rich in structure and at the same time lower in fat when compared with regular yogurt. In addition, during the filtration process, Greek yogurt loses serum, and therefore contains more proteins and a lower percentage of carbohydrates.

In the West, a product called "Greek yoghurt" is synonymous with yoghurt filtered through the marketing success of Greek company FAGE. This corporation, together with several other large Greek dairy companies, today exports its products to dozens of countries around the world.

In Greece itself, this yogurt was traditionally produced exclusively from sheep's milk, but in recent years, local milk of cows has been increasingly used. Residents of this country make extensive use of Greek yogurt in everyday cuisine, but predominantly as the basis for dzadziki sauce and a number of desserts with the addition of natural honey, peach, cherry syrup or jams.

Composition of Greek yogurt

The composition of Greek yogurt provides for the use in the production of only natural components without any synthetic additives. This type of dairy products is made using a culture of living bacteria: lactobacil, bifidobacteria and lactic acid coca. The calorie content of Greek yogurt depends on the fat content of the product, but averages about 66 cal per 100 gr. of the product.

The benefits of Greek yogurt

The benefits of Greek yogurt for the human body are due to their high protein content, which is very important for those who follow the diet. By consuming Greek yogurt and its derivatives for breakfast or dinner, you do not overload your body with fatty foods, thereby demonstrating respect for your health.

A sufficiently high calcium content also emphasizes the benefits of Greek yogurt - thanks to this substance, bones are strengthened and metabolism is accelerated. The protein in the product, in turn, acts as a stabilizer of blood glucose levels, preventing hypoglycemia, which often develops in people on a tough diet.

Greek yogurt 66 kCal

The energy value of Greek yogurt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 5 g (~ 20 kCal)
Fats: 3.2 g (~ 29 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.5 g (~ 14 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 30% | 44% | 21%