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Fruit yoghurt

Fruit yoghurt...

According to one version, such a product as yogurt was discovered by a person by chance. A special place in the diet of ancient nomadic peoples was occupied by pet milk, which people stored and transported in special burdyuk. When transported, bacteria and microorganisms from the environment entered the milk.

Shaking, as well as rather hot weather, did their job and once opening the burduk nomads found not milk, but yogurt. Such a fermented milk product as yogurt received its name with the help of the Turkish language, in translation from which the word yoğurt means "condensed. " In favor of the above version of the origin of yogurt, there is written evidence of Roman thinkers, historians and statesmen.

For example, Pliny the Elder in his monumental work "Natural History" mentioned a Scythian product that produces soothing milk. Ultimately, it turns out a delicious as well as a nutritious fermented milk drink. According to the second version, yogurt of a modern species was first prepared by the ancestors of modern Bulgarians, the Bulgar tribe.

Over the millennia of yogurt, people have learned to make various types of fermented milk products. The most popular species is perhaps fruit yogurt. At its core, fruit yogurt is a fermented milk food, the basis of the chemical composition of which is defatted milk, as well as fruit filler, pieces of fruits, nuts and cereal crops.

Most often, cow's milk is used to produce fruit yogurt. However, the product is also popular made of milk from sheep, goats, as well as other pets. Fruit yogurt. as well as other types of product are produced by fermenting milk with the help of lactic acid bacteria. As a rule, in the production of fruit yogurt, the Bulgarian stick Lactobacillus bulgaricus is used, as well as the thermophilic streptocococci Streptococcus thermophilus.

The calorie content of fruit yogurt directly depends on the composition of the initial ingredients that are used in the product production process. However, the average calorie content of fruit yogurt is at 63 Kcal, which is per 100 grams of product. Fruit yoghurts are eaten as an independent food.

In addition, fruit yogurt is often used in the manufacture of light desserts. Fruit yogurt can serve as the perfect dressing for fruit salads. In addition, fruit yogurt is used to make cocktails from milk or ice cream. By the way, there is ice cream made from yogurt, as well as chocolate with yogurt filling. Yogurts are often used in the process of making cakes and other types of confectionery. Fruit yogurt can be delicious and, importantly, a healthy food for people of all ages.

fruit yogurt 63kKal

Energy value of fruit yogurt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.7 g (~ 15 kCal)
Fats: 1.5 g (~ 14 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 8.9 g (~ 36 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 23% | 21% | 57%