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Brochcio is a fresh cheese that is fresh and produced in Corsica. This product has been made since the time when sheep were first bred on the island. There is an opinion that its name originates from the somewhat distorted French concept of brousse, which means "deaf man or countryside. " By the way, this is what the cheese "brus" from Provence is called.

We can say that brochcio cheese has become a kind of national culinary heritage of Corsica - about like pasta for Italians. This cheese is the only French cheese of the highest category (in 1988, the brochcio received its confirmed controlled name of origin), which is made on the basis of digested whey.

In spring, the primary ripening of brochchchio cheese takes place in wicker baskets, after which the heads are wrapped in leaves, laid out on wooden shelves in cellars, where they are periodically wiped and turned over. Already two weeks later, the young cheese, reminiscent of brynza, but somewhat more delicate texture, is completely ready to eat. Nevertheless, the term of its full ripening is much longer - it directly depends not so much on the mandatory manufacturing technology, but on the desired taste of the product, as well as the preferences of the cheese maker. So, for example, the most spicy brochchio cheese is aged up to six months.

As you know, fresh brochchio cheeses are produced from spring to autumn, while mature cheeses are naturally available all year round. Outwardly and in shape, the head of such cheese resembles a flattened ball, the weight of which, as a rule, is about 330 grams. Often, heads are also produced, the weight of which varies from 500 grams to one kilogram. Aged cheeses are covered with a moldy crust of cream color, under which the most tender fatty flesh is hidden. It tastes very sharp.

Nevertheless, in Corsica, brochcio cheese is preferred to be consumed by young people - just let it lie down for about two days. By the way, that is why only 15% of all cheese produced finally matures. You can use brochchio cheese as a dessert, with jam or as a snack, adding salt and pepper to it. In addition, this cheese is used in the preparation of sweet dishes and signature mint omelette. Some foodies even prefer to stuffe artichokes and squid with them, start ravioli and cannelloni, add to polenta, and so on.

Of the drinks, light white or rosé Corsican wines are recognized as the best accompaniment for brochcio cheese. There are also lovers of snacking them on local grape vodka (Marc de Corse), which is even sometimes watered with slices of brochcio cheese before serving.

brochchchio 268 kCal

Energy value of brochchio (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 18.52 g (~ 74 kCal)
Fats: 21.08 (~ 190 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.89 g (~ 4 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 28% | 71% | 1%