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Acidophilus milk

Acidophilus milk...

From the synthesis of the Latin word acidus or "acidic" and the Greek φιλέω, which means "to love, " the name of the well-known dairy product acidophilin was formed. This milk drink is not as popular in our diet as milk, kefir, mummer or yogurt. It so happened that in our stores it is quite rare to find acidophilin.

Acidophilin is produced from pasteurized cow's milk, which is previously degreased. Streptococcal sourdough, which contains special acidophilic sticks or Lactobacillus acidophilus, is added to whole cow's milk.

At the beginning of the 20th century, the scientist Podgoretsky discovered an acidophilic stick and studied all the useful properties of this microorganism. Interestingly, it is on the basis of acidophilin that natural yogurts are produced in our time, in which neither dyes nor preservatives are added.

In addition to the acidophilic stick, the starter for the dairy product includes kefir fungus, yeast, as well as mesophilic streptococci. Nowadays, dairy plants produce acidophilic milk, yeast milk, prostokvash and acidophilic paste. Perhaps you should take a closer look at previously unfamiliar dairy products and learn more about the benefits and harms of acidophilin.

The benefits of acidophilin

The main benefit of acidophilin lies in its chemical composition, which contains substances with antibiotic properties. Vitamins of group A, PP, C, H, as well as beta-carotene, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iron, molybdenum, and this is not a complete list of macro- and microelements, which are the exclusive benefits of acidophilin.

Acidophilin is considered a low-calorie product, containing 59 Kcal in 100 grams. True, there are also more high-calorie acidophilic drinks, their calorie content reaches 100 kcal. Nutritionists strongly recommend the use of acidophilin for people who care about their health and figure. The milk drink acidophilin is fully absorbed by the body and contains beneficial substances, so doctors recommend its frequent use to pregnant women and children.

The main benefit of acidophilin lies in a unique process in which staphylococcal bacteria enter the human digestive system and begin to release antibiotic substances. For example, nisin, lactalin or nicosin, which are able to destroy harmful microbes immediately after their synthesis. As a result, you get powerful protection by just drinking natural, without dyes and preservatives, a milk drink acidophilin.

The medicinal properties of acidophilin have long been used in medical preparations. English pharmacists have created a strengthening drug based on acidophilic powder. Acidophilin is a healthy and natural dairy product, however, it also has its own contraindications.

Acidophilin harms

Doctors do not recommend the consumption of acidophilic milk, kefir or prostokvash for people who suffer from idiosyncrasy. With allergic reactions and individual intolerance to dairy products, the harm from acidophilin will be expressed in the form of a rash on the body (urticaria).

acidophilin 59 kCal

Energy value of acidophilin (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.9 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 3.2 g (~ 29 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 3.8 g (~ 15 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 20% | 49% | 26%