Green rosehip tea
People learned about the useful properties of a plant like rosehips back in Antiquity. Up to our time, rosehips are used in cooking, as well as folk medicine, pharmacology, cosmetology and the perfume industry. There are over 400 species of rose hips or Rósa plants belonging to the Pink family. It is also worth noting that science knows about 50 thousand varieties or subspecies of rose hips.
Many subspecies of rosehips grow on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as neighboring countries. The most economic significance for our latitudes is the May Shipownik. It is noteworthy that rosehips are a truly unique plant, all components of which are actively used not only for medical or cosmetic as well as culinary purposes. Rose hips are especially popular and in demand.
The chemical composition of the plant fruits contains a significant amount of useful compounds. Rose hips are enriched with vitamins of the PP group, as well as B, K and E. In addition, rose hips contain organic acids, flavonoids, tannins, steroids, aliphatic alcohols, potassium, manganese, selenium, calcium, iron, zinc, phosphorus, sodium and other biologically active compounds.
The leaves of the plant, as well as the petals of rosehips inflorescences, contain useful chemicals in their chemical composition, as well as valuable essential oil. The useful properties of rosehips are combined with green tea, which is no less unique in chemical composition and benefits for the human body, and a drink is obtained that has a magnificent taste and aroma.
In addition, green tea with rosehips is just a natural treasure trove of vitamins, as well as compounds that are necessary for the normal functioning of all vital human organs. It is worth noting that rosehip green tea belongs to the list of some of the most common and popular drinks on the entire planet Earth. However, residents of Asian countries such as China and Japan are considered the greatest admirers and connoisseurs of green tea with rose hips.
Green tea with rose hips combines the distinctive qualities of a tea bush and a medicinal plant. The drink has a general strengthening effect on the human body. Green tea with rosehips gives a charge of vigor, increases mood and life tone. As a rule, the composition of green tea with rose hips includes pre-peeled and dried rose hips, as well as leaves and petals of the plant inflorescences.
In addition, green tea with rose hips can be prepared by mixing a brewed tea drink and a decoction of fresh rose hips. Experts advise eating no more than two large mugs of green tea with rosehips per day. In such quantities, rosehip green tea will be of exceptional benefit to people of all ages.
green tea with rose hips 140.9 kCal
Energy value of green tea with rose hips (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 20 g (~ 80 kCal)
Fats: 5.1 g (~ 46 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)
Energy ratio (b | y): 57% | 33% | 11%