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Green tea with jasmine

Green tea with jasmine...

Thanks to its unique taste and healthy properties, green tea with jasmine has earned the special love and respect of most lovers of a invigorating and refreshing drink. Green jasmine tea or jasmine tea is a drink made with the addition of jasmine inflorescence to dried leaves of a tea bush. Jasmine or Jasmínum is an evergreen shrub belonging to the Maslin family.

Modern science knows over a hundred different species of shrubs, which grow mainly in a mild and warm climate on both hemispheres of planet Earth. A plant such as jasmine has found quite widespread use in cooking.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, jasmine is considered a mandatory ingredient in many culinary products, including baking. However, most often jasmine inflorescences are used in the production of green tea with jasmine. It is worth noting that due to its distinctive aromatic properties, as well as its chemical composition, jasmine occupies an important place in the cosmetic and also perfume industry.

Historians claim that the official or documentary history of jasmine green tea began in China during the era of the Song Emperor, this period dates from the 13th century. However, the researchers assure that jasmine tea was known in the culture of the Persians, who brought the plant to China around the period from the 2nd to the 5th centuries.

Currently, jasmine green tea is actively produced in Chinese provinces such as Guangdong, Hunan, as well as Jiangsu and others. Connoisseurs claim that green tea with jasmine, which was produced in the Chinese province of Fujian, is famous for its best flavoring and consumer properties.

Benefits of green tea with jasmine

It is also noteworthy that the unique beneficial properties of green tea with jasmine have been used in Chinese folk medicine for many centuries in a row. The benefits of green tea with jasmine lie primarily in the vitamin and mineral composition of the drink. The thing is that green tea itself has some unique abilities, which, combined with the magnificent taste and aroma of jasmine, turn into a true masterpiece.

In addition, the benefits of green tea with jasmine have received scientific confirmation. Regular consumption of green tea with jasmine helps strengthen the human nervous system. This drink actually relieves nervous tension and normalizes sleep. In addition, green tea with jasmine is especially useful for people who suffer from hypertension.

In China, green jasmine tea is used as an antiviral and antibacterial agent. Jasmine tea is made on the basis of green or white tea. In our latitudes, green tea with jasmine is in great demand. The drink has a subtle sweet aroma. It is noteworthy that in its historical homeland in China, green tea with jasmine is considered the most popular among the so-called fragrant varieties of the drink.

green tea with jasmine 8 kCal

Energy value of green tea with jasmine (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 2g (~ 8kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 100%