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Frozen pizza semi-finished product

Frozen pizza semi-finished product...

Real foodies, as well as professional culinary experts, call frozen semi-finished products or ready-made dishes a real blasphemy in relation to food. For example, in Italy they absolutely do not consider frozen pizza a dish, and even more so frozen pizza, a semi-finished product that enjoys unprecedented popularity among consumers throughout the planet Earth. With the exception of Italy, of course. Frozen pizza is a semi-finished product, the readiness of which requires only insignificant thermal treatment in time.

Although frozen pizza is a semi-finished product and called pizza in the Italian national dish, there is nothing to do with frozen food. However, in fairness, it is worth noting that both real Italian pizza and frozen pizza semi-finished products consist of two main components - bases in the form of bark and filling. Frozen pizza, like other varieties of culinary semi-finished products, appeared on the market relatively recently.

For several decades of its existence, the product has been improved more than once. Modern hostesses do not always have time to prepare a full lunch or dinner, so often the entrance is frozen semi-finished products, which include pizza. frozen pizza semi-finished product allows you to cook a dish of Italian cuisine in a matter of minutes. Thanks to a colossal number of pizza making options, this dish has gained well-deserved fame and popularity around the world.

As a rule, yeast and thinly rolled dough or a ready-made pizza base is used to make frozen pizza. In the first case, frozen pizza will require a lot of time to prepare the dish, since the "raw" dough must be baked. In the second case, the frozen pizza base requires only minor heat treatment. Traditional pizza is characterized by the following ingredients, which can be included in the dish: mozzarella cheese, olives, capers, tomatoes, ham, mushrooms, salami, pepper, minced meat, poultry, as well as various varieties of cheese, spices, spices, by all means oregano and seasonings.

It is worth paying special attention to the process of producing frozen pizza. A special method was developed by food industry specialists specifically for the manufacture of such food products. With the help of the so-called "shock freeze, " the finished pizza is quickly cooled. This method allows to preserve the majority of taste and consumer characteristics of the dish.

The informational nature of the "shock freezing" technique lies in the fact that this method of producing frozen pizza of a semi-finished product makes it possible to maintain the special characteristics inherent in a fresh product for a longer time. The frozen pizza semi-finished product is quickly brought to readiness using a microwave oven or a regular oven.

frozen pizza semi-finished product 268 kCal

Energy value of frozen pizza semi-finished product (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 10.36 g (~ 41 kCal)
Fats: 12.28 (~ 111 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 26.82 g (~ 107 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 15% | 41% | 40%