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Cream thickener

Cream thickener...

A variety of confectionery products are sold today in almost all grocery stores, but many modern housewives prefer to cook cakes and cakes at home. It is worth noting that self-prepared sweet treats in their gastronomic qualities are often not only not inferior to industrial products, but even surpass them.

Confectionery decorations deserve special attention, which significantly transform the appearance of finished products, as well as add a distinctive taste and aroma to them. One of these decorative means is whipped cream, which is distinguished by excellent taste and the ability to embellish even a failed culinary masterpiece.

However, in order for the whipped cream to turn out lush and not settle over time, you should adhere to simple rules when preparing them. First of all, for these purposes, you need to choose the right cream at least 33% fat, otherwise they simply will not rise. In addition, all tools, dishes and the cream itself must be properly cooled.

It is recommended to beat the cream first at low speeds, and then gradually increase the speed to maximum. Finishing this process, you need to act in the opposite order. The icing sugar is sieved and added a little bit to the already formed rather stable foam. In addition, it is necessary to make sure that the cream does not break or, on the contrary, get too cold.

Often, even if all conditions are met, there are misses and whipped cream is not as expected. Then the lifesaver comes to the rescue - a thickener for cream. As a rule, you can buy a thickener for industrial cream in specialized stores, although sometimes this additive is also found in ordinary deli.

Traditionally, the cream thickener contains only two components: modified starch and powdered sugar. A cream thickener is sold in small sealed bags weighing 8 grams. This amount of magic powder is enough to make about half a liter of whipped cream. On the instructions of the cream thickener, it is written that one bag is approximately designed for a glass of fresh cream.

Whipped cream, which is prepared using a cream thickener, is able to maintain a decorative shape for a long time. Adding the necessary amount of cream thickener, you can not worry that the next day your cake or cakes are transformed into an unsightly mass, which has completely lost its former attractiveness and volume.

By the way, on the Internet, you can often find reports that an industrial cream thickener can be replaced with ordinary potato starch and powdered sugar. But that's not quite the case. The fact is that the addition of such starch significantly worsens the taste of whipped cream, adding a characteristic potato taste to them. And it takes quite a lot to add it to keep the cream in shape. Therefore, most confectioners advise you to use a ready-made thickener for cream.

cream thickener 376 kCal

Energy value of the thickener for cream (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 93.9 g (~ 376 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 100%