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Pork stock

Pork stock...

Such a liquid food product as broth received its original name thanks to the French verb bouillir, which literally means "boil. " In cooking, broth is understood as a nave made on the basis of meat, vegetables, fish, as well as water, spices and spices. Broths are thought to be aperitif dishes that help arouse appetite ahead of the main meal.

For this reason, broths have much less nutritional properties than soups. However, it is broths that help to quickly restore the strength of a weakened human body after suffering severe diseases. In addition, the broths are much faster and better absorbed than any other ready-made culinary products.

Freshly prepared broths are used in medical nutrition for disorders of the gastrointestinal tract or poisoning of the digestive system. Broths have become an integral part of the global culinary tradition at the dawn of human civilization. The thing is that even in primitive times, people began to eat not only animal meat fried on a fire, but also animal meat cooked in water.

After boiling the meat, there was a tasty and nutritious broth, which quickly tasted to people. Over time, other culinary products, such as soups, gravy or sauces, have been made on the basis of broths. In many national culinary traditions, pork broth is especially popular. This product can be ranked among one of the oldest culinary products that people eat for thousands of years.

Pork broth refers to meat varieties of the product. It is worth noting that many modern nutritionists say that pork broth does more harm than good to the human body. Scientists have found that in the process of preparing pork broth, extractive compounds fall into the finished dish, which damage the digestive system of the human body.

In addition, frequent consumption of pork broth can significantly worsen the condition in arthritis, diseases of the circulatory system, as well as gout. This state of affairs is associated with the presence of purine bases in the composition of pork broth. It is also worth noting that pork broth receives a certain amount of harmful compounds directly from the meat itself, since animal husbandry currently uses feed and other dietary supplements in the diet of pets.

The calorie content of pork broth is perhaps the highest among all varieties of the product. The average calorie level of pork broth made according to the classic recipe is about 40 Kcal, which are contained in 100 grams of the finished culinary product. Professionals argue that pork broth can become a healthy and nutritious dish if you correctly approach the choice of the initial ingredients of the dish and comply with all the rules for preparing a culinary product.

pork broth 40 kCal

The energy value of pork broth (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 21.67 g (~ 87 kCal)
Fats: 8 g (~ 72 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 217% | 180% | 0%