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Dry vanilla pudding

Dry vanilla pudding...

In the modern culinary tradition, there are hundreds of thousands of all kinds of dessert recipes for every taste, as well as the chef's skill level. Among the variety of sweet culinary products, we want to especially highlight pudding and pay the most attention to this old dessert. Initially, puddings belonged to festive dishes. Moreover, they prepared and served puddings exclusively for Christmas. To date, in England, as well as in a number of other European states, a special type of pudding is served at the Christmas table.

Until the 18th century, the British annually celebrated a great holiday and served a Christmas porridge called plum porridge (ang. plum porridge). If you literally translate the name of an old pudding, then you get a phrase where plum means the word "plum, " and porridge means "porridge. " It is worth noting that the first puddings were made exclusively on meat broth. Nuts, usually almonds, bread crumbs, prunes and raisins were cooked on meat broth, and then seasoned with honey. Over time, the formulation, as well as the process of making puddings, underwent significant changes.

Before serving, puddings began to be abraded with alcohol, usually used cognac and set on fire. So Christmas porridge transformed into a pudding, which began to serve as a spectacular end to Christmas dinner. Nowadays, you can find ready-to-eat puddings in free sale. In addition, all kinds of dry mixtures for making puddings are unprecedented popularity. We think every modern housewife at least once in her life acquired a packaged dry pudding.

There are enough varieties of dry pudding mixes. However, dry vanilla pudding is considered one of the most common. The composition of dry vanilla pudding includes ingredients such as starch, vanillin and food additives. Typically, potato or corn starch is used to make dry vanilla pudding. Often, dyes, as well as preservatives, are added to the dry mixture for vanilla pudding to increase the shelf life, and, therefore, the sale of finished foods.

In order to prepare dry vanilla pudding, you need to dissolve the contents of the bag in half a liter of milk. One forty gram bag of dry vanilla pudding is thought to be enough to make four portions of dessert. It is noteworthy that dry vanilla pudding does not include sugar. This allows the cook to self-select the amount of sugar that will be used to make the vanilla pudding. However, it is worth remembering that it is better to pre-dissolve the sugar in milk and only then mix it with a dry mixture for vanilla pudding.

It is worth noting that dry vanilla pudding is used not only for the manufacture of dessert. Often, a dry mixture for vanilla pudding is used as a base thickener in the production of other desserts, as well as confectionery. In addition, it is worth remembering the rules for storing the mixture dry for vanilla pudding. Since when moisture comes in, the mixture loses its distinctive taste, as well as consumer characteristics.

dry vanilla pudding 376 kCal

Energy value of dry vanilla pudding (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 2.7 g (~ 11 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 90.5 g (~ 362 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 3% | 0% | 96%