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Dry kvass bread

Dry kvass bread...

We think that many residents of our latitudes are familiar not by hearsay with such a drink as bread kvass. This is a traditional sour drink for Slavs, which is made based on flour and malt. Moreover, both wheat and barley malt can be used to make kvass. In addition, kvass often includes rye bread, honey, herbs, waxwork and other ingredients.

It is noteworthy that in ancient times kvass was also made on the basis of beets, as well as berries or even fruits. It is worth noting that kvass was used not only as a drink, but also as a basis for soups, cold or chowder. In addition, kvass was considered an important festive drink, which was served at weddings, as well as mass festivities.

Currently, the following types of kvass are distinguished in the food industry: bread, fruit, berry, honey, okroshechny, milk, as well as dry kvass bread. It is worth noting that the last type of drink, namely dry bread kvass, is currently popular. In essence, dry bread kvass is a semi-finished product that is used in the process of making kvass.

Composition of dry kvass

Composition of dry kvass allows to use semi-finished product for beverage preparation on industrial scale. In addition, it is worth noting that the composition of dry kvass lacks such ingredients as yeast or sugar. Currently, the food industry distinguishes between two main types of dry kvass - bread and breadcrumb.

In the process of dry dry kvass production, ground rye crumbs are used, as well as rye malt. Such dry kvass differs in the content of a certain number of dry particles. Dry bread kvass is made from rye or barley malt, and besides rye flour. In the industrial production of dry bread kvass, dough was kneaded from the initial ingredients of the semi-finished product, and then baked in special forms at a temperature of 200S.

The resulting loaves were then ground to a powdered consistency and re-dried. Moreover, in accordance with GOST, the humidity of dry bread kvass should not exceed 10%. In its appearance, dry bread kvass resembles a dark brown powder, which has a pronounced malt aroma.

Dry bread kvass is packaged in sealed packaging and freely sold in domestic grocery stores. In order to cook dry bread kvass at home, you need to pour about 400 grams of powder with four glasses of boiling water and stand under a closed lid for 20 minutes. Next, you should add 20 grams of yeast to kvass, as well as 500 grams of sugar.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then bottled and corked with corks, fixed with wire, as well as tied with twine. Kvass readiness is determined by the presence of foam in the bottle. Kvass made with a dry mixture is best served chilled as a refreshing and thirst-quenching drink.

dry bread kvass 19.5 kKal

Energy value of dry bread kvass (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.2 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5g (~ 20kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 4% | 0% | 103%