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Cheese sauce

Cheese sauce...

Humanity has long appreciated not only the excellent taste of cheese, but also the benefits of this product. Even at the dawn of its existence, before the advent of writing, ancient people began to make the first varieties of cheeses. What is noteworthy, the recipe for cheese was given to man by nature itself, when a rennet enzyme accidentally got into dried milk, otherwise, in turn, it transformed into a new and outlandish product, which, by the way, quickly gained popularity.

It is believed that the first cheeses began to be produced by residents of European, Asian and near eastern territories. According to the most conservative estimates of archaeologists, cheeses were a mandatory component of the diet as early as 8000 BC. It is believed that at the same time, people, in addition to cows and goats, domesticated sheep, from whose milk new varieties of cheeses began to be produced.

According to legends, cheese was presented to the world simultaneously by two great nations of ancient people - Arab nomads and Greeks. In the myths of ancient Greece, there is a story about the hero Aristeus, who was a noble cheesemaker. Later, the Romans mastered the art of making cheese. In those distant times, it cost a lot of work and costs to produce one head of cheese, because production technologies were not developed.

Cheese was made only at home. In the Middle Ages, the first cheese factories began to appear in Europe, so the cheese product began to slowly spread around the world. Peter I brought European cheese to the Russian state. Before Peter in Russia, cheese was made naturally, i. e. without heat treatment.

In modern cooking, there is a great variety of cheese dishes. Masters and chefs from all over the world reasonably believe that cheese is simply unable to spoil the dish, it can only improve the taste and fragrance. You can easily find recipes for more than snacks, salads and first courses with cheese. Cheese is served as a main course, such as Fondue, or for dessert.

And they also make excellent cheese sauce from cheese, which can serve not just as an addition to your dish, but as the main ingredient, which can completely change the taste and aroma. The cheese sauce recipe has been known for almost the same times as cheese. Italians simply do not imagine pasta, spaghetti or pasta without cheese sauce.

Many meat dishes are served exclusively with cheese sauce. This, so to speak, is the last touch of the cook, since the cheese sauce is able to make the taste of meat brighter and richer. Often, cheese sauce is used in casseroles or served along with dumplings and dumplings. There are a great many interpretations of cheese sauce and each product will have a distinctive taste and aroma, as well as purpose.

For example, the classic cheese sauce recipe includes ingredients such as milk, flour, cheese, butter and broth. If you add vinegar, mustard, pepper and shallots to the cheese sauce, replacing the butter with vegetable butter will make an excellent salad dressing. The most popular cheese sauce recipes can be distinguished, including:

cheese sauce with garlic, which will perfectly suit meat dishes;

cheese sauce curry will be a great addition to vegetable dishes;

cheese sauce with onions; morne cheese sauce;

cold cheese sauce;

cheese sauce 197 kCal

The energy value of cheese sauce (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 10.33 g (~ 41 kCal)
Fats: 14.92 g (~ 134 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.38g (~ 22kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 21% | 68% | 11%