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Cranberry sauce

Cranberry sauce...

Cranberry sauce is the most aromatic dressing with a characteristic sweet and sour taste, which is served mainly with meat and pastry dishes. It is prepared on the basis of fresh cranberry. For example, in North American countries, cranberry sauce is a frequent guest on the table of local residents - there it is mainly served for turkey. At the same time, in the UK, this exquisite dressing of rich color often accompanies numerous poultry-based dishes.

Often, in addition to pure raw materials (cranberries), other components are observed in the cranberry sauce - a variety of spices, citrus zest, sweet onions or natural honey. But be that as it may, you always need to serve cranberry sauce in a chilled form.

Cranberry sauce with baked lamb, beef, goose, duck and turkey are considered especially successful combinations. In addition, it is good with game or various meat pates and galantine.

Sweet and sour cranberry sauce is able to endow poultry or meat with a completely special bright and festive taste. By the way, in some countries, this natural dressing can traditionally be served with cheese dishes and other dishes.

Cranberries are especially appreciated in the northern latitudes - there, one might say, the real abundance of this berry. There, people know its real healing power, in connection with which this berry is used not only for culinary, but also for medical and health purposes.

Finding cranberry sauce of industrial production is not difficult, but such a product often contains a whole set of synthetic additives that are introduced to give a more appetising appearance and extend shelf life. Therefore, many connoisseurs of this treat prefer to cook it on their own. Moreover, it is prepared very simply and quickly - 5-15 minutes are quite enough (depending on the presence and time interval of heat treatment).

The density of cranberry sauce is achieved by boiling or adding natural thickeners - starch or wheat flour. By adding sugar, salt, pepper, lemon juice and other auxiliary components, you can achieve exactly the taste shade that you like best.

As a rule, fresh whole cranberries are used to make cranberry sauce. If not available, frozen berry is also suitable. So, to make a tasty dressing, you need to go through the cranberries, rinse them and dry them, and then grind them with a blender. Sometimes, to obtain a puree-like consistency of cranberry sauce, an "old" method is used - wiping berries through a regular sieve.

cranberry sauce 96.9 kCal

The energy value of cranberry sauce (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.6 g (~ 2 kCal)
Fats: 7.5 g (~ 68 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 7.1 g (~ 28 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 2% | 70% | 29%