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Salt of the dead sea

Salt of the dead sea...

The salt of the Dead Sea is primarily sea salt, which is obtained naturally from sea water as a result of evaporation under the influence of direct sunlight. The mineral composition of the salt of the Dead Sea is distinguished by the content of a large amount of natural compounds useful for the human body. It is noteworthy that sea salt people began to mine over four thousand years ago.

Sea salt was the first to be mined and eaten by residents of the Mediterranean region, as well as East Asia. Seawater was poured into shallow or evaporating ponds, where direct sunlight caused water to evaporate and sea salt to remain. Currently, sea salt enjoys the same stable popularity and demand.

In addition, natural salt obtained from the Dead Sea is considered a much more useful product than ordinary cooking. True culinary professionals and foodies claim that the best sea salt is mined in the seas that wash over France, the Hawaiian Islands, England and Israel. As for Israel, the country is actively extracting salt from the Dead Sea.

Translated from Hebrew, the name of the Dead Sea or ים המלח Yam HaMel is translated as "Sea of ​ ​ Salt. " In fact, the Dead Sea is a drainage-free lake located just between Israel and the Palestinian Authority. The Dead Sea is a unique body of water that has a water level that is 427 meters below sea level. The salinity of the Dead Sea water reaches a record high of 35%.

It is noteworthy that the study of the Dead Sea was begun by ancient Greek scientists in the 2nd century BC. The Dead Sea received its original name due to its distinctive properties. Due to the high salt content in the water of the Dead Sea, fish or other marine microorganisms simply cannot survive in water bodies.

Salt of the Dead Sea has long been used in cooking, as well as for cosmetic purposes. Until now, thousands of tourists visit the Dead Sea every year and even more people acquire the salt of the Dead Sea in order to use the product for culinary purposes.

As a rule, Dead Sea salt is mixed with other varieties of edible salt to improve the taste and consumer characteristics of the product. When a manufacturer needs to enrich ordinary table salt with minerals useful for the human body, the salt of the Dead Sea also comes to the rescue. Dead Sea salt is enriched with a lot of magnesium. This product can be used in a dietary or therapeutic nutrition menu.

In addition, regular consumption of Dead Sea salt contributes to the normalization of blood pressure. Thanks to such distinctive properties, salt of the Dead Sea can be eaten without fear for health by people suffering from hypertension. In addition, the salt of the Dead Sea improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system of the human body.

dead sea salts 1 kCal

Energy value of dead sea salt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1 g (~ 4 kCal)
Fats: 1 g (~ 9 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 1g (~ 4kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 400% | 900% | 400%