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Soy milk

Soy milk...

Although soybean milk is called milk, it has nothing to do with animal products, referring to plant milk, because it is obtained from soybeans. Today it is in high demand and is very popular in many countries, especially in East Asia. Instead of traditional cow's milk, the Chinese and Japanese prefer its plant counterpart. In addition, soy milk is loved in South and North America, southern Europe and some regions of the African continent.

Soy milk has a pleasant sweet taste and a slight unobtrusive aroma. Just like any animal milk, this product can sour over time. In this form, soy milk is often used to make tofu and kefir cheese.

Interestingly, the popularity of soy milk in most Western countries came almost simultaneously with the fashion for abandoning animal products - vegetarianism. For culinary purposes, this drink is used quite widely. For example, Japanese people use soy milk to make base-broth for their traditional Nabemono dish, while in China they prefer to drink it for breakfast along with pastries, and in Malaysia, along with sweet syrups.

Nowadays, in industrial production, a variety of flavors can be found in soy milk more and more often. These are ginseng, cocoa, carrots, various berries and chestnut. In addition, it is often used to make puddings, yogurts and milkshakes.

Composition of soy milk

The composition of soy milk is replete with valuable proteins and amino acids. In addition, it contains vitamins with minerals. Due to the presence of substances such as lecithin and isoflavones, which have many benefits for human health, the use of this drink has a favorable effect on the general human condition.

Soy milk benefits

In addition, the benefit of soy milk lies in the complete absence of lactose, therefore it is an indispensable product of baby food in the event of allergic reactions in babies to natural types of animal milk.

Due to the fact that the calorie content of soy milk is insignificant, this product can easily act as a dietary and digestible nutrient element. It is recommended for regular use by people with ulcers or gastric hypersecretion. Also, the benefits of soy milk are relevant for those who suffer from coronary heart disease, atherosclerosis, hypertension, chronic cholecystitis and obesity.

Harm to soy milk

Even considering all the advantages and merits of this product, some scientists are very critical of soy milk. This is directly related to the content of a considerable amount of phytic acid in this drink, which is known for the ability to bind calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc to each other during digestion. And this does not particularly favorably affect the absorption of these minerals. Therefore, although small, the harm of soy milk still takes place.

soy milk 54 kCal

Energy value of soy milk (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 3.27 g (~ 13 kCal)
Fats: 1.75 g (~ 16 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 6.28g (~ 25kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 24% | 29% | 47%