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Soybean oil

Soybean oil...

Some venerable doctors, scientists and nutritionists reasonably call soybean oil "champion" among all types of vegetable oils. Liquid vegetable oil obtained from soybean seeds is gaining more and more popularity among modern consumers. It is worth noting that soybean oil, like many other soybean products, has been popular and in stable demand in the Asian region at all times. This is primarily due to the fact that the birthplace of the soybean or Glycine plant is considered East Asia.

Soya is mentioned in the ancient books of Emperor Shen-nun, which date back to 3000 BC. The soybean plant is traditionally cultivated in the Indochina region. And in the XVI century, Cossack Yermak brought soybeans to the territory of Russia from the Far East. It is noteworthy that only in the 20th century the plant entered the territory of Europe. Residents of foggy Albion are considered the most devoted European fans of soybeans. In England, they bake a unique dietary bakery product - "Cambridge bread, " the product is famous for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.

Composition of soybean oil

Soybean is considered the "champion" among oils due to the chemical composition and useful properties of the product. The chemical composition of soybean oil is a unique alloy of most useful and essential polyunsaturated fatty acids for the human body, among which linoleic, oleic, palmitic, as well as stearic fatty acids can be distinguished. In addition, soybean oil is enriched with iron, zinc, vitamin E, K, as well as V4 or choline.

The distinctive properties of soybean oil are due to the chemical composition of the product. The unique benefit of soybean oil lies in the high content of vitamin Ye1 or tocopherol in the product. 100 grams of sunflower oil contains 67 mg, only 13 mg of tocopherol in olive oil, when 114 mg in the same amount of soybean oil. Unsurprisingly, the unique properties of soybean oil have long been valued in Asia.

Soybean oil benefits

The benefits of soybean oil are expressed in a beneficial effect on the entire human body as a whole. In addition, soybean oil reduces blood cholesterol levels. During pregnancy, women are advised to eat soybean oil, which is a natural source of vitamin E. Soybean oil can be consumed daily for 1-2 tablespoons for preventive purposes.

As a rule, the product is added to salads made of fresh vegetables. Soybean oil improves metabolism and also helps to strengthen the immune system. As a result of recent studies, scientists have found that daily consumption of soybean oil prevents the development of some serious diseases, such as heart attack.

Damage to soybean oil

However, in addition to the obvious benefits of creatures and the harm of soybean oil. It is not recommended to consume soybean oil in large quantities for people suffering from individual intolerance or allergic reactions to soybeans. In addition, soybean oil can harm pregnant women, since the product contains a large amount of isoflavones.

In fairness, it should be noted that soybean oil can cause damage only if the recommended consumption standards are not followed. In other cases, the product will become an indispensable natural source of vitamins, as well as useful polyunsaturated fatty acids.

899 kCal soybean oil

Energy value of soybean oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%