Wheat malt

Malt has long been included in the list of products that are of particular importance to human civilization. Various types of malt are widely used for the manufacture of alcoholic and soft drinks and wort. Malt is used in baking. As a rule, rye or barley malt is used in brewing. However, wheat malt is used in the manufacture of some beers.
Wheat malt, like other types of product, is obtained during the germination of wheat grains. As a rule, wheat malt is used to produce white beers. This type of beverage is made using top fermentation technology. Wheat malt differs from rye and barley products in its chemical and physical parameters and unique properties.
It is worth remembering that wheat malt is characterized by high amylolytic activity. Wheat malt is nothing more than a soft wheat grain sprouted using a special technique, which is distinguished by a lower content of gluten in its chemical composition. It is believed that wheat malt made on the basis of solid varieties of the cereal plant is distinguished by its more saturated intense color and is difficult to filter.
This characteristic feature hinders the successful production of high quality spirits as well as wort. Wheat malt is used not only in industrial and home brewing. Since ancient times, wheat malt has been used in the process of making homemade bread and bakery products. It is noteworthy that wheat malt is able to have a decisive effect on the taste, as well as aromatic characteristics of beer, as well as baking.
It is believed that beer made in wheat malt is distinguished by its pleasant sour taste. Professional tasters claim that wheat malt gives the drink the aroma of cloves, green apples, and prunes and vanilla. It is also noteworthy that when using wheat malt in the process of making homemade bakery products, the nutritional value and nutritional content of the finished product will be much higher.
Often wheat malt is added to the baking composition in order to improve the taste, aroma, as well as consumer characteristics of the product. In the food industry, several types of product are distinguished, among which caramel, light, as well as dark wheat malt can be distinguished. All malt varieties, for the manufacture of which germinated wheat grains are used, differ in their extraactivity and color. It is worth noting that the quality of wheat malt directly affects the taste, as well as consumer characteristics of finished beer or pastries.
For this reason, technologists have developed standards that regulate the main quality indicators of wheat malt. it is believed that the level of humidity of wheat malt should not exceed
4. 5%, in the dry substance should contain no more than 8
1. 9% of the extract and 14% of protein. Wheat malt should give clear wort. Subject to the above conditions, based on wheat malt, you will get homemade beer or baking of excellent quality.
wheat malt 200 kCal
Energy value of wheat malt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):
Proteins: 3 g (~ 12 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 46g (~ 184kCal)
Energy ratio (bj | y): 6% | 0% | 92%