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We think the vast majority of modern domestic hostesses have several proven recipes in their culinary arsenal, as they say, for all occasions. It is noteworthy that in French the word sauce is translated as gravy or gravy. The interesting thing is that gravy is nothing more than a specific kind of sauce.

However, gravy has some differences. For example, it is customary to water finished culinary products on top with gravy. As opposed to gravy, sauces are more often served separately without mixing with the main course. In the food industry, gravy is understood as liquid seasoning, which is seasoned with the main dish. Controversy has not subsided around the history of origin.

Gravies or watering began to be made in Russia from cabbage, onions or cranberries at the dawn of the formation of the national culinary tradition. After traveling to Europe, Peter I decided to redraw the Russian culinary traditions for preparing gravy or cakes. The king issued a decree according to which gravy should henceforth be served separately from the main course, in the manner of European sauces.

Types of gravy

Various types of gravy give a more juicy consistency and a mouth-watering taste to the finished culinary product. Although the calorie content of the gravy is at a fairly low level, in general, the product increases the nutritional parameters of the finished culinary product. The calorie content of the gravy depends primarily on the composition of the initial ingredients used in the cooking process. Among the most famous and widely used types of gravy, the following can be distinguished:

meat gravy (pork, beef, etc. );

egg gravy;

milk gravy;

sour cream gravy;

mushroom gravy;

fruit-berry and fruit gravy.

Composition of piles

In addition, hot, sweet, cold and oil containing gravy are isolated. The composition of the gravy depends on the variety of culinary product. It is worth noting that the composition of any gravy, as well as sauce, necessarily includes liquid and additional parts. Gravy made from a minimal amount of constituent ingredients is called base.

Gravies made from the base product are called derivatives in cooking. As a rule, gravy includes meat, fish or vegetable broths, water, as well as flour, spices and spices. As part of the gravy for desserts and confectionery, sugar or syrup, as well as cream, fruits and nuts, will definitely be present. Often, some types of gravy include an alcoholic component, usually wine, cognac or beer.

filling 60 kCal

Energy value is gravy (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 1.2 g (~ 5 kCal)
Fats: 3.4 g (~ 31 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 5.6 g (~ 22 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 8% | 51% | 37%