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Tiled tea

Tiled tea...

By tiled tea in the food industry is meant compressed waste, which remains as a result of the technological process of making various types of tea. Often tiled tea is called nothing more than brick tea. However, the so-called brick or tea, which is compressed leaves of a tea bush, has nothing to do with tiled tea.

The main difference between brick and tiled tea can be considered the quality composition of the product. The thing is that tiled tea is made from factory tea waste. Such tea waste can include small tea crumbs or dust, as well as sowing or broken finely chopped tea. It is noteworthy that there is simply no special or separate method for making tiled tea.

Since the raw material for tiled tea is literally garbage or production waste. Tea waste, which is used in the future for tiled tea, is screened from the bulk only in the process of packing the product. Already ready for packaging, tiled tea is pressed under a fairly high pressure.

At the end of such processing, rectangular tile size is obtained, the weight of which does not exceed 250 grams. It is worth noting that some time ago tiled tea was in high demand, since it has a rather long shelf life in comparison with other varieties of the product. Initially, tiled tea was made in China.

However, the Chinese version of tiled tea was not pressed tightly and therefore was not widely used in our latitudes. Tiled tea received its modern appearance only at the end of the IXX century, when the production of a strongly compressed product was started in the then Russian Empire. For the manufacture of the first domestic tiled tea, small and loose tea of the Huaxiang variety was used.

Tiled tea was intended for the military allowance of soldiers. Tiled tea for a fairly long period of time entered the soldier's ration. Subsequently, tiled tea was appreciated not only by military or sailors, but also by hunters, as well as lovers of hiking and independent travel. Black tiled tea can retain its distinctive taste and consumer characteristics for a long time.

This is a really important quality, especially in military field conditions. In addition, tiled tea does not take up much space and does not crumble due to the successful pressed form of the product. It is noteworthy that for some time tiled tea was called all over the world nothing more than Russian or Siberian tea. Nowadays, tiled tea is also relevant for residents of Bashkiria, Siberia, Tatarstan, as well as Kazakhstan and territories located beyond the Arctic Circle.

tiled tea 140.9 kCal

Energy value of tiled tea (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 20 g (~ 80 kCal)
Fats: 5.1 g (~ 46 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 4g (~ 16kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 57% | 33% | 11%