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Food ice

Food ice...

According to average data in Russia, the volume of food ice sales is several orders of magnitude lower than, for example, in the same America - there, without ice cubes, a party and even a regular dinner is hardly possible. This is probably due to our cold climate along with the lack of a culture of mass consumption of cocktails. Although, the correction of this state of affairs is actively stimulated by the few companies that work in the "ice" market, inventing not only new methods for promoting their products, but also its varieties.

Meanwhile, one of the first implementers of food ice in restaurant practice was the McDonalds chain, where it was added to sodas. Interestingly, often the cubes occupied about half of the total volume of the glass, which, by the way, was why McDonalds only won. The fact is that the cost of food ice is significantly lower than the price of the Coke it displaces. . .

Today, the network still remains one of the most active companies-consumers of food ice in the field of catering: each institution spends about 200-250 kilograms of the product. By the way, in addition to the use in catering and the food industry, the use of food ice is characteristic of cosmetology and medicine.

It is noteworthy that food ice, which is made at home, as a result is characterized by a cloudy consistency, interspersed with microcracks and air bubbles. And most importantly, the impurities that are contained in the source water completely go into ice.

Meanwhile, food ice, which is obtained artificially, is characterized by special transparency, the absence of any pollution and microcracks. An especially important property of this product is its ultra purity. In terms of organoleptic, microbiological and chemical indicators, water from such ice is many times higher than the requirements of the standards for bottled water.

A wide range of food ice cannot but amaze with its diversity - for each specific consumer there is something different. For example, Extra ice is especially popular, which has a cylindrical shape, high quality, dense structure, as well as a long melting time. This allows you not to dilute the finished drink, but directly cool it. The mass of one ice cylinder is 20 grams.

Frappe or Crash food ice, which is high-quality crushed (granulated) ice with a pellet size of 5 to 10 millimeters, is rightfully considered ideal for preparing a variety of cocktails.

And, of course, it is impossible not to mention the food cube ice Classic, which is the most common type of this product. Six sides of the ice cube, which weighs 13 grams, provide a large area of ​ ​ contact with the starting product, which causes the fastest cooling of drinks.

food ice 0.1 kCal

Energy value of food ice (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 0% | 0%