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Food himalayan pink salt

Food himalayan pink salt...

The unique and naturally beneficial properties of Himalayan pink salt have been known to mankind since ancient times. Nowadays, the relevance of the food Himalayan pink salt has not changed and the product is also used for therapeutic and preventive purposes. It is worth noting that recently many food manufacturers have turned their attention to various types of salt, which sometimes have distinctive abilities to saturate the human body with vital nutrients.

It is also noteworthy that salt refers to important food products that are consumed by people on all continents of planet Earth. This makes salt an excellent option for enriching the initial chemical composition of a product with various additional naturally occurring compounds that are certainly useful to the human body.

For example, iodized salt occupies a special place in the modern culinary tradition, as well as medicine. This innovative type of salt helps to fill the iodine deficiency in those territories where people cannot get an important element for health from everyday food or water. Food-based Himalayan pink salt can serve as a prime example of a perfectly naturally balanced chemical composition.

The properties of the Himalayan pink salt are primarily due to the location of the product in nature, as well as the vitamin-mineral composition. Food Himalayan pink salt is extracted from the bottom of the most ancient seas of the Earth. In an unprocessed form, the Himalayan pink salt is a piece of rock of a characteristic pink or purple color.

The benefits of Himalayan pink salt

Initially, the Himalayan pink salt contains impurities that are disposed of during processing. The use of Himalayan pink salt consists in the content of significant amounts of iron, magnesium, potassium, as well as copper in the product. In addition, the benefits of food Himalayan pink salt are due to the presence of a meager amount of sodium in the product in comparison with other types of salt.

Experts extol the food Himalayan pink salt over other types of product since the salt contains about 84 biologically active components that are also present in the human body. It is the food-based Himalayan salt that is believed to be the most pollution-free food of natural origin.

It is also worth emphasizing that food Himalayan pink salt is found on sale in the form of medium-sized crystals. This is due to the results of studies that determined that the pink salt is best absorbed in a crystalline state. That is why a special grater is often applied to the packaging of pink salt to grind the product. Edible pink salt is used in cooking as well as other types of product.

food Himalayan pink salt 5 kCal

Energy value of food Himalayan pink salt (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.1 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 0.1 g (~ 1 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0.7 g (~ 3 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 8% | 18% | 56%