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Oat oil

Oat oil...

Oats sown or common Avéna satíva refers to important food and feed crops. The annual oat plant belongs to the genus of plants of the same name. It is worth noting that common oats are considered a rather unpretentious plant, which adapts quite well to various types of soil. In addition, oats can grow in various climatic zones.

Oats, along with wheat, rye and corn, are among the most common types of cereal crops that are cultivated in various parts of planet Earth. Mongolia is considered the birthplace of oats, as well as the northern provinces of China. In folk medicine of many world states, you can find recipes for healing infusions made on the basis of oats.

Nowadays, oat products play an important role in the dietary and therapeutic and preventive food menu. The uniqueness of the benefits of oat products lies in the chemical composition of the plant grains, which are enriched with a fairly large amount of biologically active substances. Oats contain sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, manganese, as well as iron, selenium, phosphorus, zinc and copper.

In addition, oats contain vitamins of group B, E, as well as amino acids indispensable for the human body. In the modern food industry, porridge, oats, as well as oat flour and milk are made from oat grains. It is worth noting that alcoholic drinks are made on the basis of oat grains, for example, beer, whiskey or kvass, and braga is also brewed on the basis of oat malt.

Cereal grains are used to produce vegetable oat oil. Oat oil, like other varieties of products based on cereal, contains natural compounds useful for the human body in its chemical composition. Oat oil is produced by processing plant grains that are compressed.

The main hallmark of oat oil can be considered a sweet aroma that comes from the product. The composition of vegetable oat oil includes acids such as palmitic, linolenic, stearic, oleic, as well as linoleic. Oat oil is most widely used in the pharmacological and cosmetic industries.

In cooking, refined, i. e. additionally purified oat oil is used as a component ingredient of salad dressings. Oat oil is best used in combination with olive oil to make vitamin low-calorie salads from fresh vegetables and herbs. Oat oil is often used as an emulsion stabilizer.

Oat oil is included in a large number of cosmetics. The distinctive properties of oat oil allow the substance to be used as a component of face and body creams, as well as masks, shampoos and balms. In addition, oat oil is part of decorative cosmetics. Oat oil is used as a biologically active component in the production of lip balms.

oat oil 884 kCal

Energy value of oat oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (bj | y): 0% | 102% | 0%