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Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil...

We think the vast majority of our compatriots are not familiar with the useful properties of sea buckthorn oil, which has been used in Russia as a natural healing agent for centuries. Sea buckthorn oil is a type of vegetable oil that is obtained by processing the flesh of the fruits of the sea buckthorn plant. A small shrub with bright orange fruits is what sea buckthorn or Hippophayo is.

Edible sea buckthorn berries are eaten raw as well as dried. However, most often sea buckthorn fruits become a natural material for producing vegetable oil, which is famous for its medicinal properties. The orange-red color of sea buckthorn berries was transferred to vegetable oil, which is obtained from the pulp of the plant's fruits. Sea buckthorn oil is distinguished by its characteristic taste, as well as aroma.

Composition of sea buckthorn oil

However, in addition to taste and consumer characteristics, it is worth paying special attention to the vitamin and mineral composition of sea buckthorn oil. The unique beneficial properties of sea buckthorn oil are primarily explained by the chemical composition of the product. The composition of sea buckthorn oil contains a sufficient amount of carotene, as well as carotenoids. In addition, the composition of sea buckthorn oil is enriched with vitamin K, oleic, stearic, linoleic, as well as palmitic acids.

Benefits of sea buckthorn oil

The benefits of sea buckthorn oil become apparent with a more in-depth study of the chemical composition of vegetable oil. The benefits of sea buckthorn oil can be expressed in the positive and general strengthening effect that the regular consumption of the product has. Experts claim that sea buckthorn oil is a powerful antibacterial and antiviral agent that helps in the prevention and treatment of seasonal viral as well as colds.

In addition, sea buckthorn oil has unique abilities to have a painkiller and wound healing effect. In the cosmetic industry, the properties of sea buckthorn oil are used at full capacity. On the basis of sea buckthorn oil, various cosmetics are made, including face, body cream, as well as balms, shampoos and hair masks. In addition, sea buckthorn oil perfectly fights various diseases of the skin.

Damage to sea buckthorn oil

As is often the case in addition to the benefits, there is also the harm of sea buckthorn oil to the human body. However, sea buckthorn oil can cause harm only in case of non-compliance with the recommendations of doctors. As a rule, the negative effects of sea buckthorn oil on the human body are manifested in case of individual intolerance to the product.

In addition, sea buckthorn oil should be eaten only after preliminary consultation with a doctor. The fact is that in some diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as in inflammatory processes of the gallbladder, pancreas or liver, eating sea buckthorn oil can cause irreparable harm to human health, as well as human life.

sea buckthorn oil 896 kCal

Energy value of sea buckthorn oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 100g (~ 900 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%