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Orchid oil

Orchid oil...

The unusually beautiful flowers called orchid attract us with their appearance and are of interest to flower growers. However, not only the aesthetic side attracts a person in orchids so much - this plant can be used in cooking as well as medicine.

For example, some types of orchids are used for food purposes. So, in Mexico, Lelia pseudobulbs are prepared, and French chefs a couple of centuries ago added fragrant Angrecum leaves to creams and ice cream, in addition, they were used as a substitute for tea. But the most culinary significance belongs to another variety of orchids - vanilla. This famous spice has long earned the global popularity and love of most culinary experts.

By the way, the subtle pleasant smell of this beautiful flower is characterized by a luxurious, floral and honey aroma with a light slide. On the basis of this plant, it is customary to obtain the essential oil of the orchid, which is the result of lipophilic extraction of flowers. Orchid oil includes a large number of useful elements, including magnesium, calcium, iron and zinc.

However, due to the fact that a lot of raw materials are required for the industrial production of orchid essential oil, today many manufacturers seek to fake this natural useful substance. That is why when purchasing real orchid oil, always pay attention to the cost of the product, because in fact, a high-quality concentrate made without the use of synthetic additives cannot cost cheap.

Areas of application for orchid essential oil include cooking, medicine, aromatherapy, and cosmetology. This beautiful natural remedy can be used for hair care, as orchid oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp, strengthens the roots and the hair itself. In addition, the cosmetic properties of orchid oil are due to its tightening, strengthening, protective, restoring, moisturizing, nutritious, tonic effects.

In aromatherapy, the orchid's natural essential oil is used to get rid of feelings of anxiety and stress. With its help, you can restore strength and relax the body, revive emotions and improve mutual understanding. In addition, experts say that it helps to clarify the mind and feelings.

Especially for human health, orchid oil obtained from certain species of this wonderful plant is useful - for example, the Venerin shoe orchid. In this case, the benefit of orchid essential oil lies in its ability to act effectively on headaches, mental disorders, insomnia, epilepsy, diseases of the nervous system, lack of appetite, seizures and fainting. In addition, the orchid oil of this species, as well as the decoction of this plant, supports the normal operation of the heart and vascular system.

orchid oils 899 kCal

The energy value of orchid oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%