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Cucumber oil (borago)

Cucumber oil (borago)...

Cucumber grass or borago is an erysipelas of plants that belong to the Burachnikov family. The only species that is included in this family is Burachnik, a medicinal annual herbaceous plant whose homeland is Syria. In its natural habitat, borago grows in South American countries, in Europe, as well as in Asia Minor and North Africa.

Borago, as a rule, does not exceed 100 cm in height and often grows as a weed plant in garbage places and in vegetable gardens. Borago leaves have long been eaten, and also used for medical and cosmetic purposes. Due to its unique vitamin-mineral composition, the cucumber grass plant is used to produce valuable borago vegetable oil.

The chemical composition of borago leaves contains a large amount of carotene, as well as ascorbic acid, saponins, organic acids and other compounds. As a rule, borago leaves eat fresh. However, flowers and seeds of cucumber grass are enriched with a significant amount of vegetable oil, which has found wide application in cosmetology, as well as folk medicine and aromatherapy. In its appearance, cucumber oil (borago) is not much different from other vegetable oils.

Cucumber oil (borago) is an oily liquid of yellow color, which is distinguished by a light and fresh aroma. To obtain oil, inflorescences are used, as well as borago seeds, which contain up to 30% fatty vegetable oil in their chemical composition. Like other types of product, cucumber oil (borago) contains a significant amount of linoleic, oleic and gamma-linoleic acids in its chemical composition.

Due to its distinctive properties, cucumber oil (borago) contributes to the rapid regeneration of damaged skin. Cucumber oil (borago) is easily absorbed and helps to eliminate dehydration of the skin. The content of gamma-linoleic acid in cucumber oil (borago) makes it possible to use the oil as a drug for dermatitis, allergic reactions and other inflammation of the skin.

Cucumber oil (borago) is used as a preventive and medicinal aid in atherosclerosis. In addition, regular use of cucumber oil (borago) contributes to the normalization of adrenal gland function. This important quality allows the use of cucumber oil (borago) in the rehabilitation of patients who have recently suffered severe stress, and have also been treated with steroid hormones.

Eating cucumber oil (borago) regularly helps support the immune system of the human body. In addition, cucumber oil (borago) stimulates the human brain to produce beta endorphins, which have a beneficial effect on the emotional and mental state of the body. Cucumber oil (borago) helps normalize blood pressure, and also has a stimulating and tonic effect on humans.

cucumber oil (borago) 899 kCal

Energy value of cucumber oil (borago) (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0.3 g (~ 1 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%