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Linden oil

Linden oil...

Since ancient times, linden has been endowed with the glory of a witchcraft tree, which is combined with the reputation of the strongest healing agent that can cure even paralysis and epilepsy. Ancient medicines combined linden color with hops, thereby obtaining excellent natural sleeping pills. In France, this fragrant natural raw material is still used today in drinks, the use of which relieves insomnia and improves digestion.

An effective agent for removing poisons from the stomach was obtained by mixing linden charcoal with water. In alternative medicine, linden oil is widely used, which has the ability to reduce sweating, heal from festering wounds, and also stop the growth of cancer tumors. But, unfortunately, natural flower linden oil is quite difficult to find, as it is often faked.

Meanwhile, the quality essential oil of linden is inherent in such properties as hypotensive, diuretic, sweating, sedative, stimulating brain work, antitussive, decongestant, antispasmodic, tightening and tonic. In addition, this oil has a strong relaxing effect, helping to achieve deep and strong sleep.

Eating linden oil contributes to lowering cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of anemia, toning the nervous system, improving the condition of headaches, neuralgia, migraines and dizziness. As you know, essential linden oil perfectly cleans and thins the blood, due to which it is often used for the therapy of chronic blood diseases.

The diuretic property of the oil of this plant is to remove mucus from the body, which significantly improves the activity of the kidneys. In addition, linden oil normalizes liver function and removes toxins, helping with hepatitis. It can have a beneficial effect in case of indigestion and indigestion. The property of linden essential oil to remove excess urea lends itself to its use in the treatment of rheumatism, gout and sciatica.

Natural linden oil is rightfully considered a very effective agent that is used for aromatherapy at home, as well as for the treatment of chronic catarrhal inflammation. It helps to increase sweating, so it helps faster recovery in high temperatures and colds. Linden essential oil clears the airways, helps eliminate chest congestion, improves breathing and relieves the painful state of coughing, which is accompanied by sputum.

Linden oil is also used for cosmetic purposes, which is due to the ability of this natural concentrate to relieve irritation, calm, tone, cleanse and soften the skin, reduce wrinkles, whiten freckles. True, it must be said that essential linden oil has such a strong smell that it can cause an allergic reaction in sensitive skin, so it is recommended to use it in minimal quantities.

linden oils 899 kCal

Energy value of linden oil (Ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - ju):

Proteins: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)
Fats: 99.9 g (~ 899 kCal)
Carbohydrates: 0 g (~ 0 kCal)

Energy ratio (b | y): 0% | 100% | 0%